Authentic Self

Q: Is it desirable or even possible to manifest followers, popularity, fame?

A: You can certainly manifest fame if it’s coming from an authentic place inside of you and that you’re following that authentic-ness not to make up for a high school/childhood trauma in order to feel better about yourself. If you are manifesting fame to complete you from an external perspective, it’s not going to work and if it does, you’re going to be met with earthquake lessons (rock bottoms) along the way to put you back into your authentic self. Anything you want to manifest on the physical plane is okay. Take out the shame of that. It’s about checking your ego and really looking at why you need it and want it. Is it coming from this internal place? If so, rock on! When it comes to manifesting a larger social following, it all comes down to asking yourself, ‘why am I still hiding and not wanting to be seen?’ Then doing your shadow work around that. Where you are subconsciously still projecting, ‘I don’t want to be seen’ due to past shame or smallness, you are literally pushing visibility away from you.


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