Own Your Shadow

Q: I’ve realized that a lot of my shadow and issues stem from my memories and current relationship with my parents. And I can’t move on because they still behave the same.

A: First and foremost, I highly suggest creating strong boundaries. You can pick up any book on boundaries, and start to implement them. Your needs come first and it’s important to dictate how much time they get in your life and only reciprocate what they are able to give you. It’s very hard to do, especially if you’re still that hurt child inside that’s needing their approval and attention, but this is the way to start nurturing that inner child. This goes for anybody who has a parent who takes and doesn’t give. You need to create a safe space around you where everybody who’s surrounding you is only nurturing you and your needs, and reciprocating. If you’re in a very close dynamic that’s continuing to reinforce, “You’re not worth it, I can leave you any time, my needs come before yours,” there’s no way for you to grow into that magnetism because you’re continuing the neural pathways and continuing the reinforcement that you’re not worth what you want. Your steps are a lot more on the actionable and physical plane at this point.

Q: How do you suggest reprogramming when anger is overwhelming due to a memory?

A: I recommend reading Letting Go by David Hawkins. You need to fully feel your feelings to let them go and reprogram. When you're down there in the daily reprogramming exercise and all of these emotions come out, and the anger is prevalent so you're not able to do things clearly, simply stop. Let the audio keep talking or the music playing and just take your thoughts out of your mind, open up your heart, and let all of the energy come through your heart to feel your anger fully. You can put a beautiful bubble around them, so they're protected and let them sit there and feel all of their anger for the entire time until it fully releases. A wonderful DI for this is “Emotional Clearing” within the Deep Imaginings™. It may come again the next time there's anger. It just means you need to release all of this anger. And it will be so powerful for unblocking you. After the anger is released maybe that's when you need to go back into the daily reprogramming to do the reprogramming bit after you've felt all your feelings fully. The thing with emotional work is once you’ve felt the anger fully, it turns into grief and the grief turns into understanding. There's a progression of how our emotions work, and they don't last very long if we actually feel them fully. That's what I would suggest while you're down under hypnosis.

Q: How do you walk away from situations that no longer serve you without feeling like a snob and, therefore, cause you to lower your self-worth?

A: Everyone we attract into our life or that we’re commingling with, also attracts a lesson and a test for us. We must act out of our own worth, which can help others act out of theirs. We tend to feel guilty when walking away from situations that don’t serve us. For me, that was the hardest thing because I’m actually a codependent so it was hard for me to start doing that. When I did, I started to see that I manifested whatever I wanted when I left situations that didn’t serve me. It started to strengthen my trust muscle so much that at this point in my life nothing stands in the way for me. We’re helping that person or those situations just as much as they’re helping us. Pain is where we grow most in our lives. Pain is the greatest gift we can ever experience in this human experience because it propels us into a wider capacity of consciousness. Please don’t be afraid to “hurt” another person, and that doesn’t mean go around intentionally hurting people. Consciously taking yourself out of situations that aren’t right for you will potentially cause pain for others. Their soul called this in and their soul wants that experience so that they too can expand. There’s been so many people I’ve had to remove myself from, and I was their greatest gift because it catapulted them into exactly where they needed to go to grow. That pain transformed them into exactly where they needed to go with purpose. Equally the same for me.


Authentic Self


Integrating Shadow