Integrating Shadow

Q: Can you help explain why bad people do well and seem to receive their manifestations?

A: Whatever is going on in our subconscious that we believe to be true, we receive - if we have expanded enough for it to come through. There’s really no such thing as a bad person. If we’re fully integrated in our shadow, there’s no such thing as bad, right? Because every human encompasses the entire human spectrum within themselves. It’s full acceptance of everything now based on society’s standards of what’s legal vs not legal and ethical vs unethical. That’s a whole different set of standards of truth. Then we have our own personal intuitive feeling of what’s right and wrong. It’s simple for people to manifest on a subconscious level if they believe what they’re doing is right. I like to say that’s why narcissists are some of the best manifestors because they truly believe they’re worth it on a subconscious level and they have expansion for it so they can get it. That’s why they’re some of the quickest manifestors.

Q: Is there ever a point that the aspect of shadow becomes so integrated through repetitive love and acceptance that it’s no longer triggered in our external reality?

A: If you’ve fully owned and integrated something, it may continue to come up to test how fully integrated you are. It takes little tests and once you really get to a point through repetition of knowing how to own it further, sit with it, be present with it and own it. Through that repetition, it will usually eliminate out of your life and it won’t come up in your external reality anymore. No matter who you’re with or where you’re at, just own it and eventually you’re going to own it so much that it doesn’t even show up in your external reality anymore.

Q: If you say the word to yourself in the mirror and there’s no trigger or emotions, does it mean it has been integrated?

A: No. It means you haven’t found the deeply rejected aspect of yourself. You have to keep digging down until you find the thing where you have a true emotional response, where it hits you. When it hits me, it feels like my chest is bursting where I feel, ‘That is something I’m so afraid that other people might think of me or have that judgment,’’ or, ‘That is one of my biggest insecurities and fears.’ That’s the stuff you’re digging and wanting to find in shadow and integrate. You want to take it through the other steps as well, such as integration and dropping it around people that you care if they find out. There’s something deeper there that you’re needing to uncover underneath controlling that freaks you out. That’s what is needing integration. This goes for anyone who’s in shadow work. If you’re not having a response or an emotional reaction or real kick in the gut, you haven’t hit the rejected aspect of self.


Own Your Shadow


Shadow Words