Shadow Words

Q: How do negative shadow words aid me?

A:  Look to how you can integrate the root beneath causing this shadow word. How can you own more of whatever that is? For instance, mine were poor and uneducated. For me, the root thing beneath that was I despised being a hillbilly.  When I first worked on this and was staying back in my hometown at The Forest Retreat House I had a crazy shadow. I thought, “what if I gain a lot of weight because I'm eating poorly and trying to keep myself safe or what if start missing teeth”. I thought all of these ridiculous things and they all come back down to that word hillbilly. I picked up that it was shameful growing up to be identified with hillbilly.  I just started to own it. I own it when I'm talking to people whose opinion I care about. It takes all the power away. I think it's less about seeing the gift and really finding the root that you need to still own. All the power is taken out of it and that's where the magnetic magic lies.

Q: If we want to change, say the word is victim, if we own it, theoretically are we accepting ourselves as a victim?

A: With a lot of my work, I teach people to open up the wounds, look in it, and then that’s the only way you can heal a wound. What I would suggest is being able to integrate it and own it fully so that it doesn’t have any energetic power over you anymore. It doesn’t bother you if someone calls you that. It doesn’t bother you if you judge yourself about it. Once you have that owned then you can start reprogramming to change it because of the energy behind it. Until you accept something there’s just resistance.

Q: What are the energetics behind the fear of being beautiful? I find myself playing small and not wanting to fully embrace my femininity and beauty.

A: You need to do Shadow work around what you picked up about being beautiful - other’s jealousy or insecurity putting you down - integrate and own it. What's usually going on here is that from a young age you wanted to play small because you threatened people with your beauty. Whether it was in school, growing up, friends, you were so beautiful that they were jealous of you and you just wanted to be loved and liked so you tried to shrink and hide your beauty so it didn’t push away what all humans desire-  to be loved for exactly who they authentically are. If that's what's going on you need to do all the shadow work and inner child work around that. The second part can be that you grew up with a deeply insecure mother, deeply insecure sisters that modeled back to you to not be fully in your power. Therefore, you took on the identity of, “I have to not be seen”. Even in that case what's going to be very helpful for you will be Shadow and Inner Child. The more we can embrace what we are authentically and pump up the power around it, the better.  The more you can own it through shadow and do all the reparenting around the people who didn't accept you, then the more you can take all your power back and own it so beautifully, nobody will question it and everybody will gravitate to you. You will manifest and be so magnetic because the only thing that everybody desires and what truly creates magnetism is being entirely authentically worthy. All beauty is subjective and unique and everyone is beautiful regardless of the shell you live in. It’s all about the subconscious projection!

Q: Do you have suggestions for ways to significantly raise low-worth?

A: Create boundaries and use the Daily Reprogramming Exercise to work through each individual trigger as it appears. I like to get clear if I notice I’m being small in a situation because I don’t feel good enough. I then go home and do work on it. I start to look at how I can take up more space next time. I’ll look at the shadow that I rejected that makes me think I’m not allowed to take up space. I’ll start to drop those in conversations. It’s a daily practice to raise your self worth. Obviously, you can’t do it retroactively aside from reprogramming.  That’s the only practice I’ve tried that has been effective especially if it’s a process I’m doing at least three times a week and targeting what’s triggering me. Another thing is to surround yourself with people who have high self worth or loving energy to themselves. On the physical plane, one of the most helpful techniques out there for me is surrounding myself with people that already treat themselves or behave in a way that I’m wanting to treat myself. Other things I like to look at are the ways that I shrink. They’re a representation of when I’m not feeling worthy. The hypnotic reprogramming, new neural pathways, and the reinforcement of those have been incredibly helpful for me.


Integrating Shadow


Shadow Self Explained