Shadow Self Explained

Q: How do I navigate motherhood and not create shadows for my boys that they'll have to deal with later?

A: Do the work so you can show up authentically for them and are able to give them love and support. No parent can ever be perfect because every soul that comes onto the planet is authentic and unique and we don't know fully what to do for that soul. They're so individual. Every child is supposed to have the human experience, that's what makes them a human. The fact that you're even doing work to change and stop the cycles that you grew up with, you're automatically helping their lives. That's how we start to evolve into true consciousness on the planet. I have yet to meet a parent, even parents with massive help, who aren't stressed, who aren't exhausted and so the best thing you can do for yourself is to take care of yourself. Put your oxygen mask on first. Do this work when you have the time. I love to tell parents to allow your child to authentically unfold in front of you without projecting things onto them. Really allow them to show you their authenticity. One of the most important things you can give to a child is self-confidence. The more you can give them self worth and reflect back to them that they're worthy, that alone is going to make them incredibly successful in this lifetime. The moment they express interest in something, find them expanders that are like them or come from similar circumstances. Believe in their thoughts. Believe in their ideas even if it changes.

Q: I find it really hard to believe I deserve good things when I lose my temper and it makes me give up for a few days. How do you move on in these cases?

A: You're not alone. Everyone feels that at some point. A key thing is having the community and people around you that support you in your darkest moments. If they don't, it's not the right community for you. Most importantly keep doing the work. Sometimes we don't have control over our hormones and our emotions. We need to have the tools to either go inward and deal with them or get professional help. You also have to forgive yourself. I also forgive myself that I don't have the tools, and energy, and resources in that moment to be better, but I will maybe tomorrow or a week later. Be kind to yourself, the way you would with a best friend or child.

Q: Is it possible to do Inner Child about my in-laws?

A: Yes, it's possible to do Inner Child around your in-laws. I would even encourage doing Shadow and the Daily Reprogramming exercise for anything that is triggering within you. There are some aspects of yourself you have repressed and rejected that need to be reincorporated so you need to unlock what power that is controlling you. The reason they are in your life is it's a call to an adventure to grow into your most magnetic self. They're mirroring things in your life that you need to work on Shadow through. The next thing that I suggest, is putting up strong boundaries. Including structuring what it looks like for you as a family to be there together with the kids. You have to look at what boundaries are important. You don't have to hang out with them or be around them whatsoever, that is your choice and your partner needs to understand that. Focus on true subconscious work, so that you're projecting a very different thing. When we empower ourselves on the subconscious and then project that we receive a very different thing from the outside world, including people

Q: Should I feel guilty about wanting to manifest wealth?

A: It's perfectly acceptable to want anything you authentically desire if you're getting down to your core wants. If you can get down to your core and see why you want it, it is okay to want anything you physically want in the material plane. When you reach a level of financial success and get the things you want without really having to think about it, guess what happens? You don't want as much anymore. You start to want to give to other people. The only way we reach a level of true freedom is when we hit the freedom in our own authentic projection and we receive it, whatever that is. Want what you want, be honest about what you want, even if it could be classified as ego. I have a great YouTube video called, Ego. I have a different perspective on ego with manifestation. It's time to get rid of the guilt around the things we want. It's time to get rid of the shame. It's time to get rid of the programming that's been programmed into us through exterior sources that do not give us the license to manifest what we want. At some point, I believe that manifesting success and money manifests freedom in your life. And trust me, once you receive it, it will become a lot less interesting to keep for yourself all the time- it gets old.


Shadow Words


Meeting Your Shadow