
Q: Does the universe throw us little things while we wait for the big thing we're manifesting to finally come through?

A: Yes, that can be true, especially if you’ve created situational magnetism by walking through a fear, or jumping off of a cliff that scares you. All of a sudden you’ll begin to see little manifestations show up that you desired. This is because you are communicating to The Universe that you are stepping into your worth and trusting it. Also, if you haven’t been doing the above and only small things are coming through, you might not be fully expanded, or unblocked yet, so that's one thing I need you to make sure you are. That's why the big subject might be taking a little bit longer. You’re clearly doing everything right because the universe is throwing you little bones. It’s telling you, ‘Don't worry. It's coming.’ If you’ve been saying no, you're creating situational magnetism as well, and that's why these little things come through too. The moment we say no to things in the effort of our worth is when the universe starts to send us little things. You are getting those little bread crumbs that say, ‘Don't give up. We have this for you.’



