
Q: Should I be referring back to the list to remind myself of what I wanted? Should I add to the original list when I think of additional things I want to manifest or should I start a new list and forget the old one?

A: The list is really there for us to take all of those wants - details, feelings, core needs- and itemize them on paper so that your mirror neurons can witness them, and communicate very clearly what you’d like from the Universe. Therefore, you do not need to refer to your list often or put it somewhere where you see it all the time. It doesn’t make a difference because expanding your subconscious worth, unblocking it, and passing tests are what truly determines if you manifest what you’re calling in. That being said, it can be helpful to check in quarterly, or monthly at first, and review your old lists to see what actually has come through. I believe that taking inventory is very important– that helps strengthen your trust muscle during this process so you can trust it when calling in bigger items in the future. This is especially important when it comes to trusting the magic dark and passing tests. I’ve edited lists before, crossed out things or added something new. If you’d like to create an entirely new list that’s fine too- it’s a personal practice, so get creative and find what works for you.

Q: Am I energetically communicating low self worth by using dating apps? I want to gain experience dating, but sometimes it’s with people who are nothing like my list.

A: It’s all about your worth and what you’re intentionally projecting and communicating with your actions. If you are someone with low worth when it comes to dating, I would absolutely say no to this. It’s too triggering. You’re finding more magnetism and worth in not going on the dates that aren’t right for you. Take inventory of yourself right now of where you are with that. If you’re a needy person who gets attached very quickly and obsesses, not a good idea. It’s going to waste your time, waste your energy. You’re not going to be in your power. If you’re someone who’s in your power, in your worth, who doesn’t get attached too easily, then it’s about communicating through your actions, through your intention, clearly with the universe. The same goes for dating apps. If you’re wanting to explore people in your power and your worth and you’re wanting to expand it’s fine as long as you’re intentional about it.

Q: Do you recommend manifesting in phases to build up to the bigger manifestation?

A: Focus on micros, specifically the next six to nine months. Personally, the way I like to do it is when I’m writing my list I only write lists for what downloads through me. I’m getting a clue to my little blueprint, or my road map in life. I write down the specifics of what that is. When I get those downloads they’re not always micro manifestations in the next six to nine months, which tend to come on their own anyway- I don’t have to do a lot of work around those anymore. It’s not that you can’t have these bigger manifestations, or you can’t focus on them, they just go on the back burner or become blurry in your peripheral and when you focus on six to nine months ahead you begin building into long term. It’s not a regimented process so I ask new manifesters to stick with it until you find your patterning and your trust muscle. Then you can move forward into what’s working for you. While you’re actively focusing on these smaller things the key component is that you’re expanding on a subconscious level and that your self-worth is matching what you’re calling in. Just knowing that, making sure you’re actively working in the same direction as those bigger things you want, which you will naturally do anyways if they came as a download and as a core want. It becomes a little glimpse into the future of what you’ll have, the more you’re able to get into your authentic whole self.



