
Q: Will gradually cutting off the money from my parents, one bill at a time, be enough to keep me magnetic?

A:Know that any little step you take towards more self-worth is always going to create magnetism. Give yourself a deadline. Put together a schedule and a strategy to ensure you can do that. You’re stepping into your power and worth. Wherever you feel bridged enough and expanded enough, keep doing one little thing at a time. It’s going to add up to a lot of magnetism along the way.

Q: In order to open up the portal for my eCommerce business, (my true passion and one that I believe will bring me a lot of financial success in the long run), I feel like I need to take the risk and drop my current clients. But I'm nervous about letting go of this monthly revenue. Do you think I am making the right move by letting those clients go?

A:  The most important thing is that you’re fully expanded around your own company but I don't suggest being hasty and jumping off, unless you have a Fuck You Fund or bridge job in place. You need to have at least 3 to 6 months of cushion in a Fuck You Fund so that you can have that time to really dance with the universe through magnetism. You need to have the savings because if you don't you will not be in your worth. The moment your finances get tight you’re going to fumble and let fear take over. Unless people are fully expanded and have that fund, I don’t recommend jumping off the cliff right away. Once you are ready to let those clients go, the perfect energetic way to do it is to give them a month's notice.

Q: I have equity in my home and want to sell it to pay off my debt. I'll have enough money left over to fully fund my Fuck You Fund. Is that creating magnetism so that I can jump off the cliff in a new career path?

A:  100%, it's an effective form of opening up a portal.

Q: If I can't afford something I should work on unblocking why I feel like I can't afford it? What is there to unblock if the money simply doesn't exist?

A: I do not think you should buy things that you can't afford, ever. You should be opening portals of how to manifest new income to afford them. I absolutely do not prescribe to simply going out and buying something and putting it on your credit card if you don’t have the funds for it. If the money doesn't exist it's because you haven't unblocked, expanded, and opened a new portal for money to come through.



