
Q: I’ve been noticing a lot of tests popping up surrounding my time and money. Am I expanded enough?

A: If you’re receiving smaller tests, you need to face your fears - you are still staying small. If you’re asking, “Am I expanded enough? Will the bigger tests come through?” you’re kind of answering yourself. Bigger tests will come through when you’re expanded enough, but also when you take actionable steps to move past your fears.

Q: When you start doing the work with Unblocked Money is it common for unusual things to happen, such as delayed checks or unexpected bills showing up? Not sure if these things have any meaning or if I’m reading too much into it.

A:  It absolutely is! Reflect back on your own personal patterning. Is this how the universe tests you? Things can be coming through to test your self-worth and to see if you are worthy of the next thing that’s wanting to come through. If you struggled with lack mentality in the past and you begin shifting your subconscious beliefs around it, the universe will test to be sure that you won’t settle for old lack/scarcity fears as you did in the past. The key here is to look at every trigger you’re having (in the Prosperity DI) when these things arise, and then act in abundance with them. Not going into debt or anything like that. But paying them effortlessly -  like, ‘I see you universe. I know what’s happening here. I’ve got  this

Q: Can you block money coming in for your partner?

A:  No, the only way we can block our partner’s finances is if we make them feel smaller. The most important thing to remember with manifestation is we cannot manifest for other people.

Q: When you’re facing uncertainty or lack of clarity, what is an example of a test?

A: Listen to all pings and signs that are coming to you. If you’re seeing the same sign, if you’re having dreams about the same things and pings are coming through, don’t let those go right now. That is the universe consciously communicating with you and trying to guide you and answer what you’re supposed to be doing. In addition, expanders should be everything for you right now. Since you’re unclear of what your future and career is going to look like, allow expanders around you that are lighting you up. Take that energy and break down what it is about that expander that’s lighting you up. Write that down and track that along with your pings. Inevitably fear and anxiety are going to come up but just let it go through you. Then whenever you do get that download of clarity, it doesn’t have to be the full picture, take note and follow it.

Q: What does it mean when I’m getting the same test months later?

A: It means you haven’t been passing them, or you haven’t shifted what needed to be shifted in your life or subconscious to communicate that your worth is higher than where it currently is. You haven’t stepped into your power where you needed to and really closed the portals and let go.


Transitioning Career

