Transitioning Career

Q: I received a job offer for lower than what I know I’m worth and it’s not what I want to do but I need money. Do I take this job or do I pass this up?

A: You need to bridge jobs in the field of your dream career as you work to unblock and expand enough to call in your dream job. Everything we do along the way is giving us the tools we need once we’re in that space of worth and we’re on our flow to receive our download of what to follow. If you have your dream job on your list and it’s not coming through then you don’t feel in your worth enough about it, or you’re not expanded enough for it, so you’re going to receive quite a few tests because you’ve settled with such low self-worth in positions. The bridge can look a couple of different ways. It can be saving up a really big “Fuck you fund”. I tell my clients that they need to have at least three to six months of their full monthly income in the bank so they have enough time to be expanding and saying no to tests. If you’re having to go get a bridge job, take one where you’re able to mentor under or assist somebody who is your expander or who does things that are your expanding, or elements of the expanding career you’re going to be in. I have an article on the blog called “Transitioning Careers” that you can Google which talks about this. When you’re transitioning into your dream career and you’re starting to do that dance with the universe to be able to have time to pass all those tests and to expand, I encourage you to minimize your expenses as much as possible.

Q: Should I stay at the job I love but feel undervalued?

A: This is a perfect example of when you subconsciously aren't worthy enough or unblocked enough. When you ask for a raise and you haven’t done the unconscious work to actually feel worthy enough then you don't get what you want. If you came at that request when your subconscious was in alignment with your request, you would have received it from the company. Go do that work, give it a tiny bit of time and see if they offer you a raise. After you're at a place that you're projecting your worth subconsciously, tell your job, "I'm starting to look for other opportunities because I have to make this certain number." They have the chance to keep you and if they don't, you get to leave and find the next thing. You will attract it because you're finally in a place where you’re projecting your worthiness. It will either align or this will fall off and the next thing will manifest through that's worth that amount.

Q: How do I balance my self-worth and my business while also offering accessible prices if I want to be societally mindful?

A:  For somebody who's in this position you need to get savvier about opening up more portals that can allow for more abundance. My personal suggestion would be to get to a place where you're supporting yourself in an abundant way that really benefits you. Then, you can offer something that's mindful of your community. Maybe it’s a select scholarship offering, you give back to an organization or volunteer? There are many ways that you can carve this out while still living an abundant life.

Q: How do I manifest my dream job/discover my dharma when I’m not clear on what I want?

A:  Follow what is lighting you up. You are where you are to learn tools. When I started my brand, I had no idea how to monetize it or live off of it. I just followed my pings. I suggest doing the clarity exercise we have on the “Start Here” page. I would also suggest doing opulence if you haven’t already.  Wherever you’re at, know you’re there for a reason. That’s a big part of it. The other things I encourage you to do in opulence are learning where your blocks are right now, what needs to be moved around, how you need to be saying “No” and stepping into your worth on the physical as well as the subconscious and reprogramming. All of that is going to contribute to you starting to gain space for clarity. Everything has to come together at the right point for you to receive that download. When you’ve picked up all the tools you need to be prepared foundationally for what you’re supposed to be doing, as well as removing the stuff that’s clouding you from being open enough and worthy enough to feel like you deserve receiving what your thing is, start to go down every rabbit hole that interests you right now. Everything you have, every ping you’re getting and inspiration, it’s a clue, one step closer to where you’re supposed to be going.

Q: I'm currently trying to manifest a new part-time job. Every time a new offer comes, I'm very interested and apply. I'm not accepted to the company and do not get the offer. In these cases does that mean that my worth does not align with the job offer or does it mean that a better job is awaiting me?

A: It could be both. These are expanders coming through to show you that what you want is possible. What you're manifesting is still working itself out and that's why you're coming across so many of these jobs. They are expanding you to show you that what you want is out there. I recommend doing the Daily Reprogramming Exercise - Prosperity DI. If you're shifting up your subconscious and worth quickly the big explanation would be that you weren't expanded enough so you needed to see that it exists. Hang in there and keep reprogramming but also look at all the benefits you're seeing from the expansions when you're going in for these interviews.

Q: I’m expanding myself to transition from a corporate job to acting. The instability terrifies me. I transitioned to working part-time which is a compromise with my husband. My plan is to continue in this manner until I’m auditioning enough to quit my corporate job. Am I being too wishy-washy for the universe to understand this?

A: You need to make that jump when you’re fully expanded enough. What I will suggest in the meantime, until you’re at that position, is to have a conversation with your husband that you start a Fuck You Fund. What that means is that both of you contribute to the savings account. That’s the perfect compromise for this situation even if you have to pick up some extra work. Once you have that fund, it will be time to jump off the cliff and allow your Fuck You Fund to contribute financially and that will mean you’re expanded enough to be very magnetic.

Q: I quit my job without a Fuck You Fund. How can I best manifest without getting bogged down by the financial stress and worry that is inevitably coming my way?

A:  Get a bridge job. In order to have the job you want and the finances you want come through, you have to be expanded enough in them and that can take time, especially depending on your self worth. Get a bridge job in your field of interest in the meantime so that you can simultaneously be expanding while you're there. Even if you make less in this bridge job, AS LONG AS YOU’RE EXPANDING there (picking up new skills for what you want to do) and it’s giving you stability so you can navigate tests and lessons while looking for other jobs.

Q: This is the third time in a row I’ve attracted a job that does not keep me busy. I feel useless and invalidated.

A: The Daily Reprogramming Exercise would be fantastic for this. Go through the journal prompts. Then allow your subconscious to bring up the answer for you. Once you find it, reprogram it, heal it in that Daily Reprogramming Exercise. Then start to find your expanders to reinforce on a subconscious level that everyone you identify with is capable of having full-time, busy jobs and therefore, so are you.

Q: I am too scared to ask for a high day rate as a freelancer. Does that mean I’m not truly in my worth? If I am brave enough to ask for it does it mean I’m stepping into my worth?

A:It all depends. Do you feel worthy of your rate? And if you do, are you doing jobs and in a field that really lights you up? Are you bringing in clients that light you up? And if so, do they have budgetary concerns? If you are in alignment with the clients that you want to be working with and they have big budgets, that’s the time that you need to ask for your rate. If you’re working with smaller brands that don’t have the budget for it and you’re wanting more money, you can open up a little creative agency where you have a couple of people who are helping you so you can take on a lot more clients.

Q: I have a small business and I don’t have a lot of extra money after all of my expenses. I have thought about borrowing money from investors. What do you suggest I do?

A:Absolutely, especially if you have the wherewithal and the audacity and the tenaciousness. It sounds like you are going to make this business happen a lot quicker. Do Next Level and How To Manifest while you're doing this and call in the investors you want, what you're wanting from them, and the amounts you're wanting from them.


Full Moon

