
Q: How do you know when you’re reprogramming enough and you have enough self worth?

A: You’ll know when you’ve reprogrammed enough when something that used to trigger you won’t be triggering to you any more. You’ll also notice that you feel a lot more in your power and your worth, and things don’t bother you as much anymore. I recommend going through the How to Manifest Workshop, which gives you that daily reprogramming tool. It helps you look at each individual thing that’s popping up for you and triggering you. It helps you chiseled away to get into your most magnetic, authentic self.

Q: What is the difference between being triggered, and a natural reaction to a stressful situation?

A: They’re the same thing, and you should be working through every single one of them in the Deep Imaginings™. Since we grew up in a society that reinforced pain, and shame, and programming, we develop little things that trigger us. Little triggers represent two things. First, it’s something that’s living in our shadow that wasn’t okay to be and therefore we rejected it. For example, a subconscious block of not being good enough, not being enough, and therefore you get small, and feel the exact same stress and trigger. That’s all just something in your subconscious that needs to be unlocked, so that it doesn’t phase you. Second, triggers happen so that you don’t keep attracting that same exact experience over and over again. The whole idea is to face your fears, be totally authentic and integrated, and then you become one of those types of manifesters that think it and it just happens. Do the Deep Imaginings™ daily for every single trigger. Trauma is so subjective, and I care about the smallest amount of shame that you might have witnessed in somebody else. It’s a block. Our whole goal is to unlock and unblock all of these, so that we can shine that pure magnetism.

Q: If a path is met with resistance or not flowing easily, does that mean it’s not right for you? Is it an indicator that you are living out of alignment?

A: When somebody is met with a lot of resistance, they’re usually not on their right path. If you’re finding a lot of resistance in something that you’re trying to manifest I would do two things. First, ask if it is your heart’s desire completely. I would get very honest with yourself and that’s only something you can truly, truly answer. Second, I would start to look and see ‘is my worth low in comparison to this path I’m on, on a subconscious level? Do I feel insecure on a subconscious level?’  I would look at how small your worth is because that could also be why you’re receiving so much resistance and tests and so many lessons or you’re receiving nothing at all. Get honest with yourself and ask if this is your true soul’s desire and where your worth is with it.

Q: Can you help explain why bad people do well and seem to receive their manifestations?

A: Whatever is going on in our subconscious that we believe to be true, we receive - if we have expanded enough for it to come through. There’s really no such thing as a bad person. If we’re fully integrated in our shadow, there’s no such thing as bad, right? Because every human encompasses the entire human spectrum within themselves. It’s full acceptance of everything now based on society’s standards of what’s legal and not legal. That’s a whole different set of standards of truth. Then we have our own personal intuitive feeling of what’s right and wrong. It’s simple for people to manifest on a subconscious level if they believe what they’re doing is right. I like to say that’s why narcissists are some of the best manifestors because they truly believe they’re worth it on a subconscious level and they have expansion for it so they can get it. That’s why they’re some of the quickest manifestors.

Q: What factors play a part in your magnetism?

A: When it comes to manifestation and magnetism, the factors that really come in is that you have expanded enough and you don’t have any subconscious beliefs around it in ratio to what you want blocking it. It takes me about a year to call in something big but because I am so expanded now, small things can come in the blink of an eye. The programming that was imprinted in you in your childhood, whether it was parental media, societal, and your ability to remove anything in your life in ratio to it that’s making you still feel small will have the biggest impact on manifestation. All three of those components have to be an action to be magnetic towards the one particular thing that you’re trying to break in if you’re trying to work on full magnetism of manifesting anything you want. Look at your list, the bigger things you’re calling in and take them through the Deep Imaginings™ and really look if you have any subconscious beliefs that inhibit you from seeing if it’s possible to have those things. I would also see if you have expanders fully around it. At that point I would look around your life to see if anywhere in ratio to those particular things if you’re still small. In this particular formula of manifestation, it’s important to manifest micro. You can watch the How to Manifest workshop for them to understand that more. But, if those things still feel lofty, then take a look at the smaller things on your list. That’s a great place to start to really unblocking to letting those things come through.

Q: What’s the energy behind a pattern of manifesting nice things and having them break?

A: Usually when anything gets lost or broken or hurt, it’s a sign asking you to wake up and listen. It’s important to seek out a pattern. Try sitting down in meditation to seek a pattern and even if it doesn’t come in this meditation, it’ll come in a dream or it’ll pop up. Ask to see what the answer is because you’re fully capable and intuitive enough to figure out what this is. Everybody has that gift of intuition.There’s obviously something being communicated to you around the lines of listening or noticing or waking up the last note on that too. Maybe you can be going through an upgrade right now where a lot of things are going to be filled with better.

Q: I noticed that the same thing happens to me before a major manifestation comes through, is this a common occurrence?

A: Your nervous system could be sensing that it will need to grow, strengthen, in order to contain your upgrade. I always like to give the analogy of when I have clients who are in a small crab shell and they get rid of the people in their life that aren’t serving them and that means they have to leave their small shell for a while before they’re big shell manifestation comes through. They’re left in this open and vulnerable space. You’ll notice subconsciously that this is a pattern and big things are about to come. I want to validate that yes it’s possible for this to happen even though I don’t know the real specifics of the situation. You may be intuiting it or subconsciously you may just be sensing that that’s your pattern and it’s about to happen and you’re not alone.

Q: How do I call something in? Or perhaps a better question is what does that feel like? I'm invested in this work, but I don't understand how to hold my manifestation list and the subconscious work in mind. It feels to me like I'm standing in a gap between those two branches of the process.

A: The way that you manifest is through the HOW TO MANIFEST workshop, so it's allowing each of those steps to flow. Then it all comes down to expanding, passing tests and that's basically the other step in the formula. In the meantime while all of that dance is happening with the universe, what you're using now from completing those other subconscious workshops, is use the Deep Imaginings™ or your intuition when you see a trigger come up. You'll take those triggers through the Deep Imaginings™ to peel away at anything that's potentially blocking your manifestation from coming through. There's a trifecta of how we manifest. The way that we manifest is that we unblock any limiting beliefs in ratio to what we're calling in. Then we expand enough through expanders that we see to believe, so we can actually have what we want. And next we pass tests to communicate through our actions to the universe that we will no longer settle where we settled in the past. Take it all through the Deep Imaginings™ or INNER CHILD. That’s how you find your intuition, when you go through the formula and magnetism to call in and see the steps of how to manifest. You prime your subconscious working through shadow and re-parent and then daily, focus on expanding and taking any limiting beliefs and triggers through the Deep Imaginings™ or revisiting shadow. That’s how you dance with the process.

Q: How do you celebrate a manifestation coming through? Do you even suggest celebrating manifestation or do you just suggest moving on to the next big thing?

A: When you have a big thing, there is nothing to do. Celebrate, pat yourself on the back but you'll cast your next list when you get the download of what you want to manifest. The other thing to note too is keep in mind or write down in a journal your exact process of how you manifested this. How your test downloaded to you, how your test came to you. What did your list look like? What was your magic dark like? How did you feel in the moment? You want to start to understand your patterning, because when you're faced with your next process of this for a big manifestation, you're going to really strengthen that trust muscle, and be able to go back to how I cast my last list. You're going to find your own manifestation patterns. This is how my test appeared. It's going to help you stay strong for the next one. But there's nothing to do. Absolutely celebrate. There is no superstition!

Q: Can you explain the energetics behind when you think about something and then it happens? Is there such a thing as a coincidence?

A: Less of a coincidence and more that you are tapped into your intuitions and frequencies. A good indicator of psychic behavior is when you think of someone and they call and that's when you can start listening to your intuition. That's all that's happening and most likely, the message you need to do is start to tune into your psychic abilities and your intuition because you're being guided. Usually when the universe starts to show you crazy wild kismet synchronicities at once, it’s usually messaging that you need to tap into your own gifts and start using them.

Q: When I think of my future, it's like a blank white space. Where do I start?

A: I would suggest doing the Clarity DI. Really start listening to your soul's essence. If you know that those components make up what's going to make you feel the most nourished, and happy, and purposeful and you have those four pillars, start to allow your soul to give you little clues of what it's tugging towards. Listen to those pings. It's your soul starting to communicate the things that you need in your life. That is a beautiful compass to live by that's going to make manifestation quick if you can adjust your life and decisions around it. Even if it doesn't make all the sense in the world yet, it will. See where those sort communications end up in your authentic code and see where you can start to use that to be directional in your life. You don't have to focus on the big crazy thing you're calling in but continue to be open and more in the ebb and flow through what your soul's communicating. This is very exciting to watch where your life's about to go. If you can surrender to all of that, watch it go fast into beautiful places you never imagined.

Q: It feels like I have chronic fatigue, living for the evening and weekends to have a moment of peace and quiet time. Work and commute easily over stimulates me and I am finding it hard to maintain any sense of energy.

A: You are living out of alignment with your authentic self. You're going to be earthquaked at some point, whether it's through health or another way that will whip you right into your authentic path. Now is the time to start living for yourself. Most likely the reasons why you're in this rut is because of societal programming, parental programming, media programming and you feel like you should be doing this but you're not truly honoring your own gifts and your own true authentic purpose for being here on the planet. The first thing I want to suggest is looking into the Authentic Roadmap if you haven't done that yet, to start to get in touch with your true authentic self. There you can address all the reasons why you're living so inauthentically. The closer you get to your authentic self the more you start manifesting, the more that success and things will flow easily because you are projecting from an authentic place, not from places where you're supposed to project from in order to be loved. I would start with the Authentic Roadmap. I would also do HOW TO MANIFEST to learn how to actually manifest. I would start to turn your life around to reflect all the things that bring you joy and very slowly get rid of the things that do not bring you joy. It's time to call in another job and pivot to one that's able to honor your potential workflow with your authenticity.


Magic Dark

