Magic Dark

Q: I’m doing the work but nothing is showing up. What do I do?

A: Anywhere that you’re feeling fearful in your life you need to be taking actionable steps through the things you fear. Work through your shadow because subconsciously there’s an element of you that doesn’t want to be seen or doesn’t believe you’re worthy of being seen.

Q: Is it possible to receive tests while in the magic dark?

A: Yes, absolutely. They definitely trickle through. It doesn’t always happen, but if it does, it’s a great sign. Make sure that you’re upping your worth the whole time and you’re continuing to expand.

Q: How can I learn to balance surrendering to the Magic Dark and taking action?

A: There are two things that you should be doing to feel in control during a time where you're literally having to be in full surrender. Number one, you should be doing all of the things you love right now that are within your means. For example, if you love watching a certain type of TV show, if you love going to an art exhibit, or hanging out with certain people you should. Right now, you're not going to stay in a certain vibration, in a super positive place during a magic dark, but you want to stay in a place of projecting worth. Number two, you should be reprogramming any triggers that are coming up for you right now. The Deep Imaginings™ is phenomenal during this time. When those moments of fear and weakness come up for you take it to the Deep Imaginings™ to see why you picked this up. What's really at the root? Most likely, there will be one big last test that tests you pending on how expanded you are.

Q: How long can the magic dark last?

A: If you are fully unblocked on a subconscious level in ratio to what you’re calling in, if you’ve gotten rid of every single thing that makes you feel small in your life, and if you’re fully expanded, then you are in the magic dark. If you’re not receiving any more tests and it seems silent then you’re very close to manifesting. The Universe can’t give you a timeframe. It’s individual for everyone and it speeds as you manifest and build the trust muscle.



