
Q: How can I separate healing the past trauma caused by my parents who were doing the best they could while maintaining the modern posItive relationships with them that I cherish now (while doing this work)?

A: What I tend to tell people in these situations, especially when I’m working one on one with people, is when we’re up leveling so much and doing so much self-realization that this is the time that we’re supposed to be in a transformative cocoon state. Your parents may be extra triggering for you right now because of what they imprinted on you as a child. Remember at the time your parents were stressed out. I would suggest creating a little space from everyone that you may find triggering right now so that you aren’t attacking them, and allow yourself to feel all your feelings until you’re back in neutral. It’s getting in your own cocoon and building boundaries to protect your healing. Once you’re in a neutral state again, then you won’t be nearly as triggered. It’s like opening old wounds. You’d give them time with a bandage to re-seal up before you expose them to the sun and air again

Q: My mother died during my childhood. How should I go about the UNBLOCKED Inner Child? Should I replace her with my dad who was my primary caretaker or my magnetic mother?

A:  I’m sorry that you lost your mother so young. That is so painful. It comes down to what works best for you because it’s all subconscious. I would try all of those things you just suggested. If you don’t have the answers to how your mom was during phases of your childhood, I would get quiet and feel into what you think those answers would be because we’re dealing with reprogramming our subconscious mind, our limbic brain. It doesn’t matter what’s true or not, it matters what neuroplasticity and loops are happening in ratio to what you want in your life that are going to make you feel worthy on a subconscious level. They’re going to make you feel free, integrated, and expanded. It’s also whatever your subconscious will buy to be true. I find what clicks and that’s what I use. Sometimes it’s different every time. Sometimes I use that for weeks. It’s just what works for you. It gets to be your story that you’re rewriting. This experience is to repair it yourself and give this version of you exactly what you need to feel confident in your worth – expanded, integrated and free on a subconscious level.

Q: I’ve realized that a lot of my shadow and issues stem from my memories and current relationship with my parents. And I can’t move on because they still behave the same.

A: First and foremost, I highly suggest creating strong boundaries. You can pick up any book on boundaries, and start to implement them. Your needs come first and it’s important to dictate how much time they get in your life and only reciprocate what they are able to give you. It’s very hard to do, especially if you’re still that hurt child inside that’s needing their approval and attention, but this is the way to start nurturing that inner child. This goes for anybody who has a parent who takes and doesn’t give. You need to create the safe space around you where everybody who’s surrounding you is only nurturing you and your needs, and reciprocating. If you’re in a very close dynamic that’s continuing to reinforce, “You’re not worth it, I can leave you any time, my needs come before yours,” there’s no way for you to grow into that magnetism because you’re continuing the neural pathways and continuing the reinforcement that you’re not worth what you want. Your steps are a lot more on the actionable and physical plane at this point.

Q: I was adopted. I know much of the story surrounding my adoption and birth parents but I don't know details about them individually. What would you suggest I do?

A:  I would suggest following your intuition the first time you go through it. The first time you’re going through Unblocked Inner Child (and we encourage you to go through it multiple times because you’ll see many layers emerge) you should let your intuition guide you if you should deal with your adoptive parents. Much of the work will be with your adoptive parents since that’s where all the nurturing came from in regards to societal modeling and parental modeling.  But you may have a moment in your life where you discover something new about your biological parents and that is something you want to retake through. What really matters is what your subconscious believes. It doesn't even matter what you know in the conscious state. When you get down there in the hypnotic state, what comes up, let it be what it is and go with it. Even if it's real or not real, you're addressing whatever limiting beliefs you have that are coming up for you and presenting themselves.

Q: How do I call something in? Or perhaps a better question is what does that feel like? I'm invested in this work, but I don't understand how to hold my manifestation list and the subconscious work in mind. It feels to me like I'm standing in a gap between those two branches of the process.

A: The way that you manifest is through the HOW TO MANIFEST workshop, so it's allowing each of those steps to flow. Then it all comes down to expanding, passing tests and that's basically the other step in the formula. In the meantime while all of that dance is happening with the universe, what you're using now from completing those other subconscious workshops, is use the Deep Imaginings™ or your intuition when you see a trigger come up. You'll take those triggers through the daily reprogramming exercise to peel away at anything that's potentially blocking your manifestation from coming through. There's a trifecta of how we manifest. The way that we manifest is that we unblock any limiting beliefs in ratio to what we're calling in. Then we expand enough through expanders that we see to believe, so we can actually have what we want. And next we pass tests to communicate through our actions to the universe that we will no longer settle where we settled in the past. Take it all through the Deep Imaginings™ or INNER CHILD. That’s how you find your intuition, when you go through the formula and magnetism to call in and see the steps of how to manifest. You prime your subconscious working through shadow and re-parent and then daily, focus on expanding and taking any limiting beliefs and triggers through the Deep Imaginings™ or revisiting shadow. That’s how you dance with the process.

Q: Do you have any tips on working with children? I'd love to give my son the tools to heal now rather than later

A: First and foremost for anybody who's a parent, know that we are cellular beings. In fact, if we didn't have such a thing as the ability to communicate verbally, we would be much more emotionally intelligent because children pick up on everything. Children always know what's happening. Don't belittle your children's emotional intelligence. They know everything that's going on with you energetically. I also know that everybody loves the book The Whole Brain Child. I will say the very best tool that you can possibly do is become the most unblocked, whole, worthy, magnetic version of yourself. That will play a huge role in the influence that they pick up for themselves.I do also believe in the spiritual aspect, that they chose us and he chose you for a reason. It’s part of his karmic path to have experienced that early in life and he will have to heal that at some point. That's just part of his journey

Q: What's your advice on working through ancestral trauma and the workshop, specifically re-parent?

A: You don’t need to personally know the family member when dealing with ancestral trauma but you have subconscious imprintation of blocks based on your mother and the stories your mother told you. Therefore, it's real to your subconscious. You need to reprogram the exact same way that it instructs you to, so that you're getting a healing. More importantly, go with whatever needs to happen in that reprogramming experience for you to step into your worth. Never challenge what's coming up for you in your subconscious. Your subconscious is always showing you exactly what your block is and what needs to be worked through. Reprogram in truth with what's being shown to you, so that at the end of it you feel more in your worth, even more than a healing.

Q: Is it possible to do Inner Child about my in - laws?

A: Yes, it's possible to do INNER CHILD around your in-laws. I would even encourage doing Shadow and the Deep Imaginings™ towards anything that is triggering within you. There's some aspects of yourself you have repressed and rejected that need to be reincorporated so you need to unlock what power that is controlling you. The reason they are in your life is it's a call to an adventure to grow into your most magnetic self. They're mirroring things in your life that you need to work on Shadow through. The next thing that I suggest, is putting up strong boundaries. Including structuring what it looks like for you as a family to be there together with the kids. You have to look at what boundaries are important. You don't have to hang out with them or be around them whatsoever, that is your choice and your partner needs to understand that. Focus on true subconscious work, so that you're projecting a very different thing. When we empower ourselves on the subconscious and then project that we receive a very different thing from the outside world, including people.




Magic Dark