
Q: In my mind my magnetic parents look completely different and have a much different tone of voice than my real parents. Is this okay or does this not really reprogram my experience?

A: You should have magnetic parents that are different if you need them to be. I've had many different magnetic families the many times I've worked through Inner Child. When we start to uplevel and we start to have a higher vibration our inner child needs different things for wholeness. This is why we now have the Pathway with all the workshops in them (please revisit them often because we change so much as we uplevel doing the work and that's how we can speed up this process). For example, one time when I went through Inner Child because there was no way I could imagine my parents being emotionally available enough to give my inner child what it needed, the parents were French and bohemian. They were independently wealthy and we had a lot of security, so they could be present and affectionate and loving. Then I moved on and had cowboy country parents who could teach me how to be stronger and listen to myself. I've had so many variations and now I'm at the point where my real parents do seep in. Absolutely the biggest thing I can say is use your intuition when you're doing any of this work. Let go of the perfectionism especially since you're going to revisit these workshops many times. Start to tune into what your essence needs because your soul will most likely choose those parents for a very specific reason

Q: I have a block around doing the Deep Imaginings™ because it’s hard to pick one thing to focus on each day. I feel like I’m facing a huge mountain of triggers and blocks.

A: If everything in your life is really triggering you, it usually means that you come from a lot of negative programming, (which isn’t your fault) or you come from circumstances where you have a lot of trauma. Therefore, a lot of inner child healing and shadow need to be integrating before focusing on the Deep Imaginings™ solely so that you can get to a more neutral space where everything isn’t triggering you. I also suggest that if you are experiencing this in your everyday life, it’s important to be doing this work in tandem with a therapist until you’re at a point where you feel as if you only have two or three big triggers coming up a week.

Q: When I go through the exercise in Inner Child, I have a hard time replacing my real parents with my ideal parents. Do you have any tips for correcting this so that I can make my DIs more effective?

A: Put yourself in a field, with your parents, and take a moment to allow and see your parents start to melt off any of their limiting beliefs, their pain, their fear, and just let that shed. Allow them to evolve into their most magnetic selves, free from lack fear, pain, and just pure love. Sometimes that’s more fathomable than make-believe parents, so you kind of get a play between the two. Once you’re able to really see this magnetic version of your own parents, you could start to work with them inside reparent, and that should help to make it feel deeper.

Q: How do you let go of the anchor disappointment in your parents?

A: It happens over time. The more you integrate, and the more you reprogram, it starts to dissipate for you. I've done so much inner parenting that I'm so parented by my magnetic varying parents in my mind that it's all good. Just know that it's totally normal to feel this way when you begin the process of reparenting, but it will dissipate over time. And, in fact, it's going to make you a lot more compassionate and understanding of your parents. Just know that it's a process. Take care of yourself. Be okay with the fact that you have feelings of resentment, and anger, and stuff coming up. It’s your nervous system releasing what it’s been holding forever and it’s an unblocking and clearing. Be grateful for that even though it's a process that takes time but it will pass.



