
Q: So much of the DIs are about going back to a time in your childhood when you are your authentic self. I feel like what excited me, made me happy, and made me feel whole as a child isn’t what makes me feel whole as a grown person.

A: When you’re doing your Deep Imaginings™, or even Inner Child DI’s, if you can tap into that time when you were about six months old and you were totally pure it would be interesting to see the words that come up for you to describe the essence about you at that time. When you can start to tap into that essence, that is your authentic essence. It doesn’t actually mean how you were as a child in terms of what you did or what you look like. You’re tapping into the essence of your projection at that time and most of us were just pure love and light. When you’re doing this work, you want to tap into that energy and then bring it with you when you’re reprogramming as an adult. A great place to look at this is by doing the Authentic Roadmap. You tap into that space quickly to see how big of a gap there is from your childhood essence, your authentic self versus what you’re presenting with today. It’s not about the things you loved as a child. It’s tapping into that essence around six months to a year of what you were projecting verses what you project today.

Q: How can I stop coming from a place of wanting to fix what is broken in me, and instead, come from a place of acceptance, self-love in terms of reprogramming?

A:  It’s important to get to the root of the brokenness and reprogram it until you have a clearing, or a deep release. When you have that clearing, it feels like your body releases it. You will have a whole different perspective. Once you’ve had that experience, you can move on if it keeps triggering and coming up for you, and empower yourself in the circumstances. If the trauma is a lot deeper and a lot more painful, it might take you addressing it over and over again. You don’t have to be the victim in the circumstance, it can be you feeling empowered, having the tools you need, having the people in the situation come through and give you the tools you need to be strong and self accepting.



