
Q: Is rock bottom the same as the magic dark?

A:No! The magic dark occurs after you’ve unblocked, expanded and passed all of your tests. It’s the final test before your manifestation comes through and it usually feels like the darkest before the dawn. Or when all of the water has receded before the big wave comes through. The moment where you start hearing crickets. Whereas, a rockbottom is when you’ve been consciously or unconsciously asking for something and you’re not growing your worth quick enough to be in alignment with it and it’s orbiting close to you - ready to come through. The universe will hit you with an earthquake event or situation that is calling on you to grow your self-worth very quickly, which is outlined in the workshop

Q: Is it possible to be in a rock-bottom and in our flow at the same time? How would you suggest one navigate being somewhere between these two extremes?

A :Absolutely. A rock-bottom is the invitation to hop into the river. A rock-bottom represents that we've been calling in something big, but we haven’t jumped out of our nest for it and grown our self-worth quick enough to connect with it. But, it's ready to come through. That's why an earthquake can hit so big and quick to grow our self-worth so fast. We have to be tumbled around to be able to align with the thing we've been wanting. A good analogy of this is if there's a strong, free-flowing river, and we’re sitting as a massive rock in the river. At the end of the river is exactly where the rock is supposed to live. Basically, the rock-bottom, you're in this flow already, but you're stuck on this boulder. What's happening is you're getting a little landslide that helps push you into your flow, further, faster, to attach with what you want. For instance, if you're facing a rock-bottom in a relationship. All of a sudden, your career just starts flowing. What was going on is probably something you were asking for to uplevel in your career. Again, it's that boulder being pushed to flow much quicker and faster. Hunker down, trust, do the workshop every day until you've reached that endpoint of where you're supposed to be and connect with your manifestation. Set strong boundaries, get rid of the things that don't believe in you, and don't just do the Rock-Bottom DI once, do it until your manifestation has come through. When you get unfocused and ungrounded, even though all the other stuff's beautifully flowing, go back to the workshop. That's the best way to navigate it truthfully. You have to trust that workshop and revisit it daily while you're in this space. Allow the other things to flow because the biggest point of the workshop is to grow your nervous system and really ground down to be able to have space for this new manifestation. Learn what you need to learn and grow your self-worth.

Q:What’s the difference between the energy behind stepping into your power versus the universe forcing you forward?

A: When the universe earthquakes you into having to be on your path it’s trying to push you closer to your purpose. Every time that happens, even though it can seem like all the pillars are crumbling, you’re actually having divine support to put together a strong foundation for you to unite with what you’re wanting - AKA a Rock Bottom. Stepping into your power is when you willingly pass tests or you no longer settle for old self-worth behavior alongside unblocking and expanding. You are actionably stepping up.

Q: How do I realign myself at a stage in my life where I don’t believe that anything is possible any more?

A: Our brain is like plastic. It continues to have reinforcements and therefore it’s continuing to imprint. If you’ve been through a rock bottom where you did lose a loved one or you had something else happen to you, maybe your whole financial stability was pulled out from under you and you’re having to reinvent yourself. It is imperative that you go and surround yourself with expanders who are so badass at your age and have it all going on still and did not buy into societal programming and continue to attract and do the things they want. I don’t buy into any of society’s feelings about age. That’s how we create neuroplasticity. Most of our true blocks come from childhood. But if you’ve had something happen to you later in life that’s felt like a rock bottom and it’s taken away your faith, or it’s taken away the belief system of possibility, that’s something you’re going to have to work on. Again, our reality is what we buy into. I would encourage everybody to choose faith because you can have anything you want. There is no expiration date on it.




Full Moon