
Q: If you can’t instantly let go of something that’s not serving you, such as school or work, what are the ways that you can still open up to the path for what you’re calling in to come through?

A: It’s little baby steps. The one thing I’ll say on an energetic level is to think about how you can rebel in your certain circumstances that align with your true authentic essence. For example, let’s say you’re in a major at school, you’re deep in debt, and you think, “I just woke up and this isn’t something I want to do. But I’m going to let a lot of people down. I should probably just finish this.” Some ways you can start to think about it is if there are small ways you can pivot your major or take classes that are closer to your authentic essence? Are there ways you can start groups and workshops outside of it that are closer to this alternative field that you’re supposed to be in that speaks to your soul? Are there ways that you can say no to stuff that’s not really in alignment with your authentic essence? Get quiet. How were you when you were a kid? What were your natural tendencies and qualities that you noticed about yourself that’s getting you closer to your authentic essence? When I say doing something rebellious on an energetic level, it means more in alignment with your authentic essence and less about societal expectations because whatever you’re in right now probably isn't your thing. Just those small acts begin to create situational magnetism. The number one thing to manifestation is the more that we’re in our authentic essence and being seen and owning it, the more everything starts to come our way. The more we expand where we have limiting beliefs and imprintation the more it gives room for things to come through. Also, think through ways you can start expanding through expanders to create space for that while you’re stuck in it right now.

Q: Can you backslide? For instance, if things are going really well and you're crushing manifestation after manifestation, and then there's a stumble and fall and you start losing your self-worth and confidence, do you need to start at square one again?

A: No, but you absolutely should consider doing the Rut and then moving into Next Level of UPLEVEL. The Rut will help you gain clarity because when you get into a rut you think you’re going backwards. There is no backwards. You're going through things that are teaching you lessons for your authentic purpose. It will help you condense and get even clearer on who your true authentic self is. Then you'll work through it and move into Next Level which asks you to fully get in touch with your full authentic code. For the person who does slip off the work and isn't in their flow, the best thing to do is the Daily Reprogramming Exercise today - just to get back in the saddle. You'll start to see that things begin to connect again.

Q: Do you have advice on how grief and grieving play into one’s ability to do this work and manifest?

A:This is something you have to follow at your own pace. Grief is a very real and strong experience to be going through. We go through different forms of grief. Look at the degree of grief you're going through. If it's a very debilitating grief, I would say put this on hold. If there is a workshop that you do want to be doing to be proactive during the grief, the one I would definitely advise is THE RUT within UPLEVEL is good for this time. But, sometimes, when we piled too much heavy stuff on at once and we don't know how to navigate it or have the tools, it can just weigh us down. However, when we get to the place where we know how to navigate the different balls in the air, you can do multiple things at once. Work through RUT inside UPLEVEL. Then wait until the sun starts to present itself a little bit again, and things start to feel lighter and then you can go back into the work.

Q: I've had a pretty difficult time manifesting even small things. Through doing reprogramming in shadow I realized that I feel inherently unworthy and look to external things to validate me. How do I manifest things from a place of worth when everything I asked for feels like I'm trying to validate myself with it rather than the other way around?

A: It sounds to me like you're in a rut since you're not even seeing small things come through, which tells me that you are potentially pretty far away from your authentic self. You have built up a strong onion, an ego onion around you, from not feeling seen, loved, accepted, when you were younger or getting what you needed. A beautiful tool that's inside of Uplevel is called finding your authentic code. You'll go through this whole prompt to find four of your authentic core elements, and when you know each it's time to completely delegate and detox anything but those elements. You are the type of person it would be helpful for because you're not even recognizing if what you're calling in is from your core essence or if it's from external validation to feel loved. It would help you get more clarity to see if it actually matches these four authentic core elements and if it plays into your purpose. If it's a yes, then manifesting from that place is really wonderful. If it's a no, then you know it's just external stuff to feel loved. Another thing that is so important for you to do is a magnetic DI inside of all three of the workshops, inside of Uplevel, and the rut. These will be very powerful for you because you're needing to reinforce the neural pathways of worth. Of course the daily reprogramming exercise is good for you for reinforcement. It's also really important that you're finding worth within yourself. The DI and the rut are going to help you have a clear understanding of what you're needing to reinforce.

Q: I'm finishing rut and I'm going to do opulence next. How do you align with authentically wanting money so that you can do things that you love when your authentic code doesn't have money in its main value?

A: This is tricky because I think some people get thrown off by money being in the authentic code. However, there's a lot of things that represent money. Security represents money. Luxury represents money. Safety represents money. Travel represents money. Freedom represents money. In our current dimension in time and space on the physical plane we need money to be able to live all of those things out. Find out where in your authentic code money is represented and then when you're in opulence funnel your energy on that particular thing. A good way to look at opulence while referencing your authentic code is seeing where money plays a part in those four elements in order to focus on that in opulence. It also helps you get more clarity on what your purpose is. This is really a great question in general for anybody who's sitting there being like, "What should I do? What's my purpose?" Look at your authentic code. Where do you need money? You can build a brand around that or work for a company in that or go to school for something in that.

Q: Does the universe mess up plans deliberately/ put us in our place? Also is it possible that I'm in a rut and rock bottom at the same time?

A: Yes. I know that's hard to hear and it doesn't feel super optimistic but it's a beautiful thing. If the universe didn't care about you meeting with the things you want, it wouldn't fuck with you. It cares about you. There’s something you've been calling in that wants to come through but you're not building your worth up quick enough to get there.


Next Level

