Next Level

Q: Is there an energetic difference between deserving and feeling worthy?

A: Yes! Self-worth is the law of attraction where deservingness is the energetic beneath self-worth that is a commanding energetic. Self-worth can feel abstract for those of us who never grew up with it modeled to us. Self-worth simply means healthy self-esteem, which is confidence in one’s own worth and abilities (and won’t settle for less). The exact phrase that can be connected to deservingness is this: an utter belief knowing that you are truly confident that you can have the best version of the subject that you are calling in and there are plenty more where it came from. This isn’t something that can be faked. It’s earned through expansion, passing a lot of tests, and growing your trust muscle tremendously.

Q: What is the difference between exterior and interior validation?

A: Exterior validation is when we’re looking to be validated by exterior things. Interior validation is getting to know our core essence and what it needs and wants. Our soul, authentic wants. Exterior validation is anything outside of us that we think can help complete us or so we think because nothing outside of us can complete us. Interior is looking inside, seeing what’s craving to be complete.

Q: One of my core elements of my authentic code is “recognition” but I also found that I'm triggered by people who look for recognition. Why is this triggering?

A: Shadow is so simple. You just haven't seen this clarity, this thing click yet. Most likely when you were little you tried to get attention and approval and your parents behaved like they were annoyed with you. Even if it was subtle and energetic you picked up on it. Therefore, you do the same thing because that created shame and pain inside of you. It's subconscious. Now if anyone seeks out any type of recognition, you're annoyed. It's just the behavior you received when you were young. What I would be doing with that is in the Deep Imaginings™, the new Shadow and Inner Child DI that we have, in addition to journaling. It's getting to a very specific core memory you have. I would find that and I would take that a few times through that DI or through Inner Child. I would deal with that little version of you who still needs that and let her or him know that it's okay, and that people who seek recognition are just a form of seeking love. Right now your subconscious is still projecting through a Shadow.

Q: Can you backslide? For instance, if things are going really well and you're crushing manifestation after manifestation, and then there's a stumble and fall and you start losing your self-worth and confidence, do you need to start at square one again?

A: No, but you absolutely should consider doing the Rut and then moving into Next Level of UPLEVEL. The Rut will help you gain clarity because when you get into a rut you think you’re going backwards. There is no backwards. You're going through things that are teaching you lessons for your authentic purpose. It will help you condense and get even clearer on who your true authentic self is. Then you'll work through it and move into Next Level which asks you to fully get in touch with your full authentic code. For the person who does slip off the work and isn't in their flow, the best thing to do is the Daily Reprogramming Exercise today - just to get back in the saddle. You'll start to see that things begin to connect again

Q: How do I come into my worth about still contributing to the world even though I've taken a hiatus from working?

A: Find clarity on your Authentic Code and weed out anything sucking up your energy. The biggest thing I would do is find clarity around what your sole purpose is but note that you shouldn’t need to be hustling after that. The Rut will be very powerful in Uplevel for you. It will help you understand your authentic code wholly, how to get rid of anything that isn't in your authentic code and how to get rid of shadow around it. It will help you find expanders of people who are in your circumstance that have gone on to heal and have had a similar situation where they've needed to take this down time. I think by doing all of that you're going to address the things that are triggering you right now and making you feel purposeless which isn’t the case. You're going through a real learning gift right now.

Q: When you are needing to get out of a job that is not in alignment with your authentic code, and you are calling in another bridge job, how picky should you be?

A: The most important thing is there's going to be an element about this bridge job that expands you. That's the only requirement of a bridge job. The bridge job just needs to be expansive within whatever field you're wanting to pivot into so beyond that you don't have to be picky at all.

Q: The first deep imagining exercise actually frightened me a little. I felt so unsure of who I wanted to be in 10 years let alone 30 years. Is this a common phenomenon?

A: I recommend the Authentic Code exercise since it gets super clear on what your authenticity is, what you're driven by, and what should be in your life and then how to navigate it. The other reason that we tend to get triggered in fear by thinking about the future is because we're afraid we haven't accomplished the things we want to yet, or we're afraid of what that could look like and that we won't be good enough for it. There's a lot of deeper stuff there. I would suggest doing UPLEVEL. Then I would suggest doing a little bit of the daily reprogramming exercise around why it triggered you so much. That's an amazing place to start, thinking about, "why do I feel so unsure of what I want, and why do I feel frightened by it?" You can take that right through the daily reprogramming exercise and see where you pick that up. The beauty of all of this work is learning on your subconscious what's been imprinted, what's controlling and looping.

Q: I'm able to manifest quickly, but I feel conflicted when it comes to manifesting money. It isn't because of feeling lack or undeserving but more from a perspective of what do I do with it? Any suggestions or actions that have shown the loving handling of money?

A: If you're really in a flow and you're getting the things you want, NEXT LEVEL is fantastic because you're going to learn your four authentic elements that drive you and are your main focus in life. From there you're able to completely delegate and detox anything else so that more of those things can come to you. You will get clear on what your Authentic code is and you'll know where to funnel and channel the money. If you can get clear on your authentic code and what you would be using the money towards based on one of those four elements or all four of them, then you'll actually have some opening for the money to come through, and you'll have a lot more clarity of where to channel it.

Q: Can you say more about defining our authentic codes? I find it hard to narrow this down to four elements as I have a lot of contradictory things that drive me.

A: It’s about seeing the patterns of exactly what you're saying that light you up. To give an example look at the patterning and narrow them down to four words to create the combination that were the compilation. Really get to the words that resonate with you. It's just looking at the patterning of what the commonality is in your words.

Q: What if individual pillars of my authentic code are not compatible at the moment? Both luxury and creativity are part of my authentic self. But in order to live out my creative side, I have to say goodbye to an income source that allows me to have a lifestyle I desire. I have the feeling that negating the luxury part also lowers my creative potential. Does an imbalance between the pillars of my authentic code dim my magnetism as a whole? How do I move forward?

A:I just want to empathize with where you are and I'm sure many people, if not everybody, has been in the space before where they're in circumstances that don't align with their true authentic code. I will say you will get out of it because you're on a mission too so it's going to happen. I would reprioritize until you're ready to make the jump and you are expanded enough. A great blueprint for you would be to start to call in something that is a bridge job- one that is much more in alignment with the career you hope to have someday. While you're still at this current job, use it to feed the luxury aspect of your lifestyle because obviously you're in it for security. I would also be saving up a fuck you fund while you're at it and I would really be prioritizing in the next 6 months how you're going to make this leap to something else that can support you that is more in alignment with what you will be doing. Where you'll be making a similar amount of money that you'll also be expanding at the same time. That's what you're really looking for. Your magnetism is dimmed because you know that you're settling in places of your life right now where you shouldn't be. But that's why you have the tools. That's why you have the formula on magnetism that's going to help you manifest this bridge job and move out of where you currently are. That's why you have the tools where you can work through opulence of how to make more money and open portals and call in income. It's why you have the tools to also unblock any of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you in scarcity and fear staying in this current job.

Q: How do you create balance and boundaries with all four aspects in your authentic code and do all four need to be fulfilled at the same time to be fully fulfilled?

A:  All do not have to be in balance at all times. The authentic code is to help you understand what should be in your life and what shouldn't be in your life at task orientation. Your  authentic code is here to help you clear that space and receive more of what you want in and it's going to attract more of those four pillars. Therefore, they don't all have to be in balance. 


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