The Expander Mini

Q: If I am annoyed by a person does it cancel out the expanding?

A: You’ve attracted this person, an expander, into your life and this dynamic is for a mirror to do shadow work so that you can reintegrate that aspect and become a bit more whole. Once you do the shadow work they won’t be able to activate you anymore and you’ll see how incredibly expansive they are.

Q: How do I know if I just need more expansion or if I have low self worth still?

A: If you’ve done lots of unblocking and feel overall you have high self worth, subconsciously and are putting it into action on the physical plane, the missing piece is probably expansion. Be very honest with yourself though to make sure this is the case. If you have high self worth you will feel deserving & surrendered, but maybe just need a little more “seeing to believe” for the specific manifestations you’re calling in.

Q: Why do I feel jealous with expanders?

A: Anytime you are triggered by another person because they have something it is an expander. Envy is the biggest clue. A great blog post to look up is called envy. Let's breakdown the difference between jealousy and envy. Jealousy is you’re afraid of losing something that you have. Envy is being triggered because someone has something that you want, therefore envy is one of the best indicators of an expander. That blog post gives you the tools of how to journal out and be proactive about this activated feeling of envy to give you steps on how to integrate this expansion even more.

Q: Social media seems like a distraction or self-comparison issue for me, but will I miss out on expanders?

A: Start to create a practice, maybe once a week, where you pop on social media and only go on until you’re activated by something. Activation means triggered that something makes you feel bad, sad, not good enough. You then sign off and you take that one thing through shadow and you start to work through it to see what it’s representing in yourself that doesn’t feel good. Little by little things aren’t going to trigger you as much. You’re also going to become a far more magnetic person, integrating all of those aspects of yourself.

Q: If the exact career path I want does not exist yet, can I still use successful people in other fields as expanders?

A: Yes. Use these mini expanders and then build the courage to jump off the cliff and put into the world what you’re going to do that’s different. Additionally, hone in on what your skills and talents are that have always been the thing that friends come to you for, or that you find yourself obsessing over. Those are the pieces you’re going to use to create what you’re putting into the world.

Q: How should I navigate relating to my expander without losing clarity of who I am?

A: Take space. Stop looking into the expander. Then what you need to do is sit down and journal out and extract what it is about the expander that you find to be so magnetic. Rather than trying to replicate everything about your expander, start to look at how you can have more of the essence you admire in them in your own life through your authenticity. Example: You really admire everything about Beyonce. You don’t need to start dressing like her and replicating things she does, you need to think about what the essence is that you admire in her. Maybe it’s confidence & authenticity? That’s what you need to integrate into your life.

Q: What can I do to mitigate the damage of regularly being surrounded by non-expansive people?

A: Set the boundaries otherwise it's harder to expand out of. 

Q: Is it ok for an expander to not have everything you want?

A: Yes, these are called fragment expanders and they are expanding you on specific elements of what you’re calling in. You can take these specific elements and build them into one. The real key is showing your subconscious over and over again that every little aspect of what you want is possible.




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