
Q: I have a lot of memories blocked out from my childhood. Is there more I can do to unblock?

A: Be patient with yourself. There are a couple of other avenues you can try in the meantime that are more in the conscious state. EMDR, I hear is very successful for people working through their blocks, and it’s done kind of in a conscious state. Also, NLP therapy is another thing you can do, going through and doing TRE trauma release therapy, which has nothing to do with your mind since it’s all in your nervous system and the body. Also, we’re just releasing and maybe at this point we’ll have already released our Roadmaps, the Elements Roadmaps. Take actionable steps in order to reprogram neuroplasticity-wise, while you’re in the conscious state but don’t beat yourself up. If you are following the formula and you are taking all the actionable steps, like in Unblocked No, then you’re letting go of anything in your life that isn’t serving you, and you’re expanding and you’re already doing 90% of it. That beautiful 10% is the subconscious work, which again you can access through those other modalities, and just starting to do it more, in the conscious steps that we give you through the Elements Roadmaps should allow things to start shifting.


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