Authentic Roadmap

Q: So much of the DIs are about going back to a time in your childhood when you are your authentic self. I feel like what excited me, made me happy, and made me feel whole as a child isn’t what makes me feel whole as a grown person.

A: When you’re doing your Deep Imaginings™, or even Inner Child DI’s, if you can tap into that time when you were about six months old and you were totally pure it would be interesting to see the words that come up for you to describe the essence about you at that time. When you can start to tap into that essence, that is your authentic essence. It doesn’t actually mean how you were as a child in terms of what you did or what you look like. You’re tapping into the essence of your projection at that time and most of us were just pure love and light. When you’re doing this work, you want to tap into that energy and then bring it with you when you’re reprogramming as an adult. A great place to look at this is by doing the Authentic Roadmap. You tap into that space quickly to see how big of a gap there is from your childhood essence, your authentic self versus what you’re presenting with today. It’s not about the things you loved as a child. It’s tapping into that essence around six months to a year of what you were projecting verses what you project today.

Q: How do you realign with manifestation, living your truth or a higher vibe when you’re feeling off your game and unmotivated?

A: Whatever you’re doing in your daily life isn’t a reflection of what your authentic purpose is and what authentically inspires you- they’re not aligning. We need purpose. My biggest suggestion is to start doing everything that inspires you or start with one thing that inspires you. The Authentic Roadmaps and the Daily Reprogramming Exercise are perfect for this. I would start tapping into your authentic essence and I would start to tap into what inspires you in life. This is such a normal thing to go through. Especially if you’ve been doing any of this work, it’s going to start to shake up the stuff that’s not working in your life and you’re going to need to pivot more into your authenticity.

Q: Where does dwelling on something come from?

A: It could mean that you're a much more cerebral person who needs more quiet, grounded space in order to be direct in full expression. Additionally, a lot of codependents experience this and in codependency, there's a spectrum. It doesn't just mean attachment but it can also mean emotional avoidance. You have to let things go and be present in the moment. A great roadmap for this in the Pathway is to work around Take-off and Authentic Roadmap. It takes you through a lot of the different workshops with a very specific lens about the ego dance and what that means. That's what I would do to address this and work on it. If you identify more with the fact that you're cerebral and quiet, you need more grounding space, I would focus on a great meditation practice. That will help you to figure out how you can hold your ground in energy in order to fully transcend and communicate what you need to do without getting so lost in everybody else's energy, and space, and time when you're in a situation. Either of those will be very helpful depending on what you identify with.

Q: It feels like I have chronic fatigue, living for the evening and weekends to have a moment of peace and quiet time. Work and commute easily over stimulates me and I am finding it hard to maintain any sense of energy

A: You are living out of alignment with your authentic self. You're going to be earthquaked at some point, whether it's through health or another way that will whip you right into your authentic path. Now is the time to start living for yourself. Most likely the reasons why you're in this rut is because of societal programming, parental programming, media programming and you feel like you should be doing this but you're not truly honoring your own gifts and your own true authentic purpose for being here on the planet. The first thing I want to suggest is looking into the Authentic Roadmap if you haven't done that yet, to start to get in touch with your true authentic self. There you can address all the reasons why you're living so inauthentically. The closer you get to your authentic self the more you start manifesting, the more that success and things will flow easily because you are projecting from an authentic place, not from places where you're supposed to project from in order to be loved. I would start with the Authentic Roadmap. I would also do HOW TO MANIFEST to learn how to actually manifest. I would start to turn your life around to reflect all the things that bring you joy and very slowly get rid of the things that do not bring you joy. It's time to call in another job and pivot to one that's able to honor your potential workflow with your authenticity.


Integrated Roadmap

