Integrated Roadmap

Q: How do I unblock fear of failure and visibility to grow my success?

A: Do the integrated roadmap because it has all the subconscious specificity for these exact blocks. It also has the conscious actions it wants you to reinforce in your conscious state and it's a three-month program that takes you week-by-week as if you’re with a coach. I'm going to reiterate that the conscious state of doing things when we're just in our conscious daily lives, no matter how much we're reprogramming on the subconscious, has to be done as well in order to see the big impact or difference. For you, it would be starting with the small things you're really afraid of when it comes to being seen and just pushing through them and realizing you're safe on the other side. That's how you begin to build. As much as you can expand to create space and as much as you can be seen, it will completely transform you.




Authentic Roadmap