
Q: What do you suggest I do as an empath to alleviate guilt and start manifesting without fear of taking away from someone else?

A: It's codependency 101. The biggest workshop I would start with is Unblock No. Most codependents are empaths. Unblock No is going to help you get clear on what needs to be in your life, who needs to be in your life and all the things that don’t need to be in your life. The other thing I would really take a look at is the Free Roadmap. There you can start to get comfortable with letting anything go that doesn't serve you and put yourself first and not having fear about it. This is going to be the medicine that creates magnetism for you because this is where you've been shrinking. Even if you can feel everybody's feelings, I think those two particular workshops can be very helpful at being unapologetically okay with putting yourself first.


Trauma Puzzle Pieces


Integrated Roadmap