Trauma Puzzle Pieces

Q: How do I heal the part of me that feels like I'm not enough without a partner?

A: This probably comes down to your attachment style and childhood trauma and codependency you picked up from childhood. The biggest key here is you need to fill yourself up without needing someone. I suggest reading the book Attached and The Codependency Recovery Plan alongside going back through Unblocked Inner Child again in order to create the new neural pathways to support this. Also look at why you feel you need a partner. Is society reflecting that back to you? Get to the root and take that through the Daily Reprogramming Exercise. Everybody has been through this experience so you are definitely not alone.

Q: How do I know if I’m unblocked enough to manifest a partner or am overthinking the process?

A: You’re always going to attract exactly where you’re at on the subconscious level of worth.  I want you to sit down and I want you to take a real deep inventory of where you’re at and how great you are. Make a list of all of the attributes about you that are epic and awesome. Write out a list of why you’re such a great candidate. I want you to see how great you are because we’re all a lot greater than we give ourselves credit for. Then I want you to take some inventory on the subconscious plain of what your deepest insecurities are. Insecurities only come down to fear and if you really break that down further it comes down to a fear of being unlovable. I want you to get to the bottom of that and start to see what your shadow still believes and I want you to take those through Shadow and Inner Child integration. Get rid of the things in your life that reinforce your smallness because even if we’re doing this work and we’re putting in the effort, if we have all of that around us it’s going to backtrack our work.


Subconscious Space

