Subconscious Space

Q: If I’m having trouble finding an expander similar to what I want, should I add ‘find an expander’ to my manifestation list?

A: Start calling in your expanders using the The List in How To Manifest Workshop. You list off the core things you’re needing expansion from that person just as you would for a house or a partner.

Q: What's going on when I see expanders and stories of manifestation and feel contract instead of expanded?

A: You need to Deep Imaginings™ this until you find the root. Do the Deep Imaginings™ around it every single time it comes up. There are probably layers of where it exists in your brain and you need to work through all of those and reinforce the opposite which is magnetism and worth. The only reason why these great stories keep popping up all around you is that the universe is a mirror telling you that you can have it too.

Q: Social media seems like a distraction or self-comparison issue for me, but will I miss out on expanders?

A: Start to create a practice, maybe once a week, where you pop on social media and only go on until you’re activated by something. Activation means triggered by something making you feel bad, sad, not good enough. You then sign off and you take that one thing through shadow and you start to work through it to see what it’s representing in yourself that doesn’t feel good. Little by little things will not trigger you as much. You’re going to become a far more magnetic person, integrating all of those aspects of yourself. When it comes to expanders, they can come from all walks of life and social media is one small, limited version. If you’re still following toxic accounts then I suggest muting those or unfollowing to curate your social media to be all expanders and loved ones!

Q: Can you share advice about the role of proactively expanding one’s self so you can see to believe?

A: You can read books, teach yourself things and expand through all sorts of different avenues. For example, if you’re somebody who is looking to call in more money and you know that you want passive income one day, you should start teaching yourself how finances work and how to invest now. If you want to speed up the process, mentor under someone. It happens much faster because you see it first hand, especially if you identify with the person. If you’re not finding those people right now self education is a good way to start.

Q: Is it ok for an expander to not have everything you want?

A: Yes, these are called fragment expanders and they are expanding you on specific elements of what you’re calling in. You can take these specific elements and build them into one. The real key is showing your subconscious over and over again that every little aspect of what you want is possible. An example would be that many people believe that when a clock reads the time, it’s true because we’ve been programmed to trust it. However, if you are new to the idea of time, you’d want to open up the clock and see the mechanics of how it works in order to “believe” that it’s true.

Q: I’ve been single for 10 years. I’ve been doing the work but I haven’t had anyone show up in my life, let alone multiple tests. I’ve got expanders. I’ve been unblocking, but nothing’s been showing up. I’m not sure what more I can do.

A: Anywhere that you’re feeling fearful in your life, you need to be taking actionable, physical steps in your life that are releasing your fears. It’s important to work through your shadow because subconsciously there’s an element of you that doesn’t want to be seen or doesn’t believe you’re worthy of being seen. This often occurs because you are not actually doing things in the physical level for the most part, and you haven’t unlocked your shadow.

Q: I moved to my current city almost three years ago with the intention of leaving at the three year mark. However, while here I called in and manifested a partner who showed up, and we’ve now been dating for eight months. I’m happy with this person, but I still don’t see myself in this city. He has a business here, and he can’t leave, and we’re very open about the situation. Is it possible he’s my expander? Did I call in too early for him? Or do I manifest things that would make me happier in this city?

A: When you’re expanded enough and when your self worth is aligned, things come when they’re divinely supposed to. When something like this comes through when you were planning to leave, usually it’s a little sign that’s asking you to anchor in that space for a little bit longer. There’s more tools for you to pick up and more expansion is about to occur for you. He’s definitely come through to give you tools, or to be the anchor that helps you anchor into this space because you’re supposed to pick up more stuff while you’re there. I encourage you to not get stuck on this deadline you made for yourself. You will get that hit and that download when it really is time to transition. When you do then you will re-evaluate together. Is he ready to leave his business, or expand his business somewhere else? If he’s not then you have to go do what’s right for you, and you guys get to navigate that whole experience. Let go of the deadline that you were supposed to follow, and know that now, you’re supposed to be here now until you get that hit to go.


Calling In Partnership


Trauma Puzzle Pieces