Calling In Partnership

Q: I am unhappy in my relationship and feel guilty making my list of my ideal partner because they are nothing like my current partner.

A: I would suggest look at the reasons why you feel guilty and I would take them through the Daily Reprogramming Exercise. You'll be very surprised at what's down there. You need to unblock that. In your particular position, when the guilt arises, instead of letting it stop you or debilitate you, become curious about it and take it through the Daily Reprogramming Exercise and see the layers of the roots that have been embedded in your subconscious that don't serve you any longer.

Q: Is it possible to send out mixed messages to the universe? For example, I think I want a partner, but I’m not sure yet.

A: When people talk about fully surrendering, you have a lot of the components of what that means. An old manifestation superstition is when they say, “surrender. Let the thing go that you want, and it'll come in quicker," what they really mean is that you're expanded enough, you're in your worth enough to know that it's coming. You've seemed to believe that it's possible, and you don't care when it comes because you know it's headed your way. That's full surrender. That's what you're in. Even if you think that you love your freedom I don't think that's going to block your person from coming through. If anything, it's going to magnetize it closer, and you get to decide when things show up that don't feel like a test anymore if you want to entertain them. You can never lose what's yours by divine right. If you lose money or you lose a sentimental item, you're always going to get that back or something better will come along. Know that you're not blocking yourself. Keep living out this beautiful, blissful time, and watch what starts to show up, and you get to decide how and when you entertain it. And if it goes away, it just means the better thing is coming through.

Q: Should I be referring back to the list to remind myself of what I wanted? Should I add to the original list when I think of additional things I want to manifest or should I start a new list and forget the old one?

A: The list is really there for us to take all of those wants - details, feelings, core needs- and itemize them on paper, so that your mirror neurons can witness them, and communicate very clearly what you’d like from the Universe. Therefore, you do not need to refer to your list often or put it somewhere where you see it all the time. It doesn’t make a difference because expanding your subconscious worth, unblocking it, and passing tests are what truly determines if you manifest what you’re calling in. That being said, it can be helpful to check in quarterly, or monthly at first, and review your old lists to see what actually has come through. I believe that taking inventory is very important– that helps strengthen your trust muscle during this process so you can trust it when calling in bigger items in the future. This is especially important when it comes to trusting the magic dark and passing tests. I’ve edited lists before, crossed out things or added something new. If you’d like to create an entirely new list that’s fine too- it’s a personal practice, so get creative and find what works for you.

Q: How do I know if what is on my list for a significant other is what I actually want or more for my ego?

A: Really get down to the core of your list and let all of the fluff go because the universe fills in the fluff so beautifully. In partnership, it’s about getting down to the core of why you’re asking. If you have a lot of superficial things on your list do the work and ask yourself the questions of where you picked up that programming. Was it societal? Was it parental? Is it an insecurity, a low self worth thing inside of you that’s making you feel like you need that specific trait? Or, are you legitimately unattracted to somebody who’s short? Look at that program too to see the shadow work around that. In general, I wouldn’t worry about the superficial stuff as much.

Q: In partnership, how do you distinguish between someone who isn’t your person because they don’t match your list but they might be a stellar match for you irrespective of your list?

A: Your soul is always going to communicate what it’s looking for through what it finds interesting or what it gravitates towards. Tune into what your soul’s gravitating towards. Use those core elements to make your list. That might not look like anything in terms of physical but it might be qualities about a person. The more open you can be and sticking to qualities, the better. Compiling your list more from that space is going to be really productive. That’s going to help you when someone comes along that doesn’t have some of those key core qualities. Tap into your essence and know that most things we’re attracted to have just been programmed into us. What we actually desire, the actual connection we’re looking for in love, is someone who shares the same values as us, the same interests as us, the same intellect as us, and someone who can be an autonomous partner who can reflect our autonomy. The soul is really looking for deep alignment. Allowing those core things to dictate your list is always going to open you up for more experiences to meeting people who inhabit that list.


Cutting Energy


Subconscious Space