Cutting Energy

Q: I received clarity that my partner and I weren’t right for each other, so I ended things but continue to stay in touch and hook up?

A: When we attract anybody into our life, we’ve attracted each other to learn some lessons from each other. I often use the term, “run into the fire”. The reason why you can’t seem to pull away is that your souls haven’t fully learned the lesson yet. You might have ended this too prematurely. There are certain elements you can look at- are there co-dependency issues? What does this say about me in attachment styles? You can start to dig into those things through reparenting and through shadow. Go learn all your lessons with this person. Leave when you’re truly ready. You’ll hit your point. Don’t force it. There is no such thing as time and space, so learn all your lessons, or they’re just going to show up in another partner with more lessons, so you might as well get them out with this one now. Give yourself a break. You didn’t fail a test. You’re still learning what you need to learn until you hit the breaking point.

Q: I keep getting tested by past lovers who reach out to me. I know these are tests, but is it more in my worth to ignore or can I respond?

A: This all comes down to energetics and the way to determine this is when you're responding. If you're doing it to be able to have a connection again, even though you're not going to follow through with it then do not respond. You're not in your power. If you're responding in your power, meaning you truly don’t care about having any interaction with this person again- you’ve moved on and you're done for now then the healing has happened. You have to get honest with yourself what your intention is down there. Energetically if you're doing it just to open a little bit of a door, just to feel a feeling, what you're communicating to the universe is that you're not passing the test. If, again, you're empowered and you respond, you've already communicated to the universe with your energy in the first place that you're done and over with it. The test wouldn't be coming your way if most likely you didn't have a little sliver still there that you wanted to keep open and engage with. You have to get honest with yourself and see why you're doing it, what your intentions are for it and be truthful with yourself. That will help you decide what to do.

Q: I feel like I’m thinking about a certain two people way too much. Is that creating a block for my own personal manifestation process?

A: It is blocking you from other people to come? Your heart needs to fully let it go and process on its own. It’s a natural process, so forgive yourself and let that happen naturally. If it’s someone you were with that you left for the betterment of yourself, usually when you start doing work on yourself and you put yourself out there again, they’ll pop back as a test, to see if you’ll settle for that again. Your actionable steps when that is happening is to not engage with them. Don’t check their social media or you open up that wound again and you’re reinforcing it. Just don’t engage. The second part: Pass tests.

Q: Is it possible for me to manifest, even though my partner, who believes in me, encourages me, supports me financially, is acting as a block because of his own low self worth?

A: It’s all energy. You need to start laying down some boundaries. Here’s a great example. If they live in tremendous lack, and are always putting that on you, that’s where boundaries need to be drawn so you can continue to flourish, and also so you can be an expander for them. The more success you find in whatever avenue you’re manifesting, the more you will be an expander for them. If they aren’t able to live within those boundaries, that’s where your answer is. They will continue to be a block even though it seems like they are such an expander. Again, if they are able to adhere to that through communication, and really allow you to flourish, then great. You both, through mirrored neurons, are simultaneously helping each other expand and grow very quickly. You have to be the inspiration. It’s about inspiring, and setting boundaries, and adhering to them.

Q: Can you manifest a better relationship with your partner when you’re working on yourself and they are not?

A: Your partner might have a lot of repressed things inside of them that they haven't worked through and since your vibration is changing and getting higher, that's very scary to them and suddenly you're not on the same energetic level anymore. The best thing you can do if you're wanting to make this relationship work is to be incredibly patient with them. Be incredibly supportive of them. Don't project your wanting to evolve onto them. A good practice for this is to learn to let things go. If you want this relationship to work and change and they are not in the space to do the work and change, you need to hold a lot more space for them and get a lot stronger in yourself and your boundaries. Watch as you grow and notice if they begin to make shifts. Then reassess when you are on the other side




Calling In Partnership