
Q: How do you celebrate a manifestation coming through? Do you even suggest celebrating manifestation or do you just suggest moving on to the next big thing?

A: When you have a big thing come through, celebrate, pat yourself on the back. You'll cast your next list when you get the download of what you want to manifest. The other thing to note too is to keep in mind or write down in a journal your exact process of how you manifested this - how your pings came to you, how tests appeared, etc. What did your list look like? What was your magic dark like? How did you feel at the moment? You want to start to understand your patterning because when you're faced with your next process of this for a big manifestation, you're going to really strengthen that trust muscle, and be able to go back to how I cast my last list. You're going to find your own manifestation patterns. This is how my test appeared. It's going to help you stay strong for the next one. But there's nothing to do. Absolutely celebrate. There is no superstition!

Q: Sometimes I hesitate to put something on my list because I have the underlying superstition that if I add it, I will be tested on it. But if I don't, it may just work out perfectly without any tests or magic dark in the first place. How do I deal with this?

A: The best way to approach this is through this work. It's the fear of having to feel pain or rejection and what that means to you. Take that trigger through the Deep Imaginings™ “subconscious reintegration” several times, any time it comes up. Anytime you're about to make a list or write something on your list and you have hesitation because of these exact fears, head straight to the Deep Imaginings™. Get to the bottom of it, reprogram it, and force yourself to put it on your list. In order to manifest the greatest things that you want in life, you want to unblock all those anyway. It's expanding to create the space, unblocking anything that's in your way, and passing the test so you can align with what you want if you're going to be tested. That's a good indicator that there's something there that needs to be unblocked.

Q: I'm wondering how to let go of old friendships/social circles that aren't serving me. Does it dim your magnetism to ghost people or tell little white lies, rather than confront them directly?

A: It does not. It’s something I talk about a lot in Unblocked No if you haven’t done it yet. There are a few ways we communicate to the universe, and a lot of old New Age superstition talks about how our thoughts create our reality, and if we think negatively or we behave negatively then we will attract more of that and that's not true when it comes to the energetics of manifestation. The most powerful way to communicate is through our actions, which is why passing tests creates such magnetism- we're no longer settling where we used to settle before. When we do these actionable things that step into our worth, it's the clearest communication channel to the universe that we're ready for the next big thing we've been asking for. The reason why I mention this is that it doesn’t matter what you say or do. What matters is how you're actionably approaching it. With your specific circumstance, you're doing this to create space for the better things you want to come through. Surrounding yourself with people that are more supportive of you, that are more in alignment. Sometimes the way you have to go about it is ghosting them or saying, "I'm busy, I'm sorry." Especially if they are not consciously evolved enough to have conscious communication around it. I've had to do that for a long time and it absolutely does not affect your manifestation process at all. In fact, because your action is that you want to step into your worth and no longer settle in these friendships that aren't reciprocating your needs or aren't showing up for you, you're going to create magnetism.

Q: How can I clear my subconscious of all the information provided by psychics and mediums over the years with your tools?

A:  It just takes time and reinforcement. Especially if you're fearful and you really trust the information that's been given to you. You have to start to show your subconscious your own version of what's been told to you, while unblocking it and then doing subconscious reprogramming around it. The Deep Imaginings™ is great for this - doing the untangling with the journal prompts and then going through and showing your subconscious whatever you want. Truly you can create whatever life you want. For example, I once had a vedic astrology reader tell me that I’ll always be poor in this lifetime and that has not turned out to be true! You could start by making a list of all the limiting beliefs you have picked up from psychics/mediums, then taking each through the Deep Imaginings™ as many times as you need to.




Conscious Identity