Activating and Enhancing All Five Senses • Consciousness


A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of enjoying a tea ceremony with Shiva Rose in her escapable and magical backyard. With any inspiring soul, each experience offers us a chance to take away a little lesson to incorporate into our own daily lives. With that said, what really caught my attention was the Japanese philosophy of engaging all five senses during the process of the ceremony.

Therefore that is something I simmered on at home and brought into my own personal afternoon meditative practice. It’s been such a holistic and heightened experience, so I thought I’d share it with you guys.


At my altar, I’ll sit down for my meditation practice between 3p-4p.

MIND & HEART | I always set an intention. The intention varies based on the day and need. It can be to move emotion, to pull my energy back in, to ground, to give back unwanted energy, even simply to be still.

MEDIATION | My regular meditation practice is Vedic. I do this daily for twenty minutes twice a day, which many of you know. However, I also practice breathwork if I need to move around some emotion. Or free form meditation if my intention is stillness and intuition. Last weekend, I became certified in reiki (with Lara Elliot), so I’ve also been incorporating some self-reiki too. 


SOUND | may it be a binaural beat, white noise, Native American flute, or a sound bowl, I use the sound current needed, on this specific day, to activate or invoke the intention set. That intention varies based on the day and need. It can be to move emotion, to pull my energy back in, to ground, to align my chakras, even simply to be still. Lately, I’ve been playing Eluvium, which was introduced to me by my breathwork teacher.

SCENT | I then burn, again what is intuitively needed. Copal to call in good energy. Sweetgrass if I’m in need of community support. Sage to cleanse my energy and calm my nervous system. Palo santo to cleanse unwanted negative energy. Or incense with specific benefits. I also roll on scents as needed. Lately, I’ve been using this one and this one.

TASTE | this is very intuitive as well. I’ll usually drink the herbal tea needed. Or I’ll enjoy a tincture or essential oil, or the essence I'm in need of in a bit of room temperature water.

SIGHT | this is of course my altar and its specific intentional pieces that support my spiritual practice.

TOUCH | is facilitated through any minerals I might need support from. Lately, they've been smoky quartz and selenite for grounding and intuitive support. 




A Completed List No. 2