Fall Immunity

free-and-native-immunity-flowers-water bottle

With fall and its natural rhythm of slowing down and going inward, many of us don’t head this suggested pace. We can overdue it – often. Prancing around as if it’s still summer – exhausting the same expansive energy. This can lead to our immune systems weakening from extra stress (digestive, energetic, and work). Therefore, many of us will be faced with the casual flu, cold, and more.

This is exactly what happened to Max in NYC. He caught cold rather early on, while I put these habits in practice to avoid it until after my main work engagements. Come the following day, a very mild head cold graced me. Nothing as drastic as his, for unlike me he wasn’t able to slow down and rest.  Being on travel, I enforced my tried and true tools. The very top go-tos.

COFFEE ENEMA | ‘whoa, wild, gross, intense,’ could be a few of the thoughts running through your mind. However before the laxative was introduced – since the time of Hippocrates – enemas were a household item, and used the moment anyone showed a sign of cold. Due to the Gerson Therapy, I add a boost of warm (sifted) coffee to mine, for it instantly detoxifies the liver, where the enema instantly drains the lymphatic system. I simply popped into Duane Reads and picked up this kit, which doubles as a hot water bottle, so it's easy to travel with. 

Above all other practices, this is my golden tool. The moment one even senses a tickle in their throat, if they do this right away and rest, they will wake up 100% the next morning. With Max in the thick of his cold, this allowed me to keep it at bay for an extra three days. The one day I didn’t do any of these tactics, for I was so busy, I woke up the next morning with my very mild head cold.

EPSOM & BAKING SODA | Every evening, directly following the enema, I would soak in a very warm 20 minute Epsom salt (full bag) and baking soda (non-GMO & no aluminum, full can). This would further sweat out any toxins. I’d also make sure to use a Korean Spa mitt to flake off any dead skin cells so the toxins could leave easily. This bath also cleanses your aura, which is very useful in NYC!!!

LYMPH DRAINAGE | I made sure to do Donna Eden’s lymphatic routine and dry body brush daily. I’d also enjoy Red Clover Blossom tea to move the lymph around.

WELLNESS FORMULA | really, it’s been my go-to for years. Nothing has compared.

We’ve also been eating very clean Japanese meals every evening. Miso soups, fermented natto, clean fish, loads of seaweed, and warm lemon water or ginger tea. Had I have not dropped the ball yesterday, today I would still be fully well. I do believe it is my body begging me to slow down and go inward

Manifestation with Lacy Phillips




Fall Equinox
