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Is there space for your manifestations to actually land? 

Because I really want everyone to grasp the concept of Expanders as each of you prepare for your New Year intents, I thought I'd share an example of Expanders from a client in UNBLOCKED Money; where you will have the luxury of being led through exercises to see if you truly have subconscious expanders, for its one thing to "think" we have them in the conscious mind, but it's a whole other story when we go into the subconscious and come up blank. If it's blank, there isn't space for one's manifestation to come through. If this sounds like it could be you, make sure to join us in Opulence before the New Year! 

"Dear TBM community,

I have been developing my Manifestation skills with Lacy's help for a year and a half and I have found many expanders along the way. I want to share more about how they showed up for me.

First, I highly recommend taking a closer look at the people we surround ourselves with. Or rather, taking a different look at them. Chances are, some expanders are already gravitating around us. When I was finishing my masters' degree and preparing to enter public service, I realized I wasn't living my dream. I felt very lost and depressed at first. I couldn't see any other option but I still promised myself that I wouldn't follow this career path. And I started to see things very differently right away, including this friend of mine, who had just launched (with great success) her own start-up. In our freshman year, her initial plan was to become a judge! She was right there, waiting for me to witness her transition so that I could do the same. A few months later, I found my current job in a start-up.

Another thing I would suggest is to be open to gaining clarity through expanders. We may be willing to expand our beliefs around one thing, with a specific idea of how this thing should look like, and we may miss what we are actually looking for. This just happened to me. I have been looking for successful artist expanders over the last six months, but my scope of the search was very narrow (visual artists using drawing as their main medium). Again, I ended up letting go of the result to the Universe. And my expanders showed up but as writers and editors! A friend of mine invited me to the launch party of the coolest independent magazine, created by three women who are barely older than me. I realized that most of the famous people that inspire me are writers or editors. Writing was also one of my favorite thing to do as a child, and I have zero shadow/blocks around it. Words could be my first medium and allow me to get closer to what I truly want to do. And there's paper and a pen involved ;)

What I also recommend, when feeling a bit discouraged, is to Google what you need to see. It's not as powerful as a famous expander or one I know personally, but it'll strengthen my trust muscle and help me go through discouragement.

Also, expanders don't have to be the full package. For instance, when I was looking for my apartment, I stayed at a great Airbnb. It was not my list, but the owner told me that he had found his dream apartment by subletting, sleeping on friends' couches, renting Airbnbs'... I realized I could do the same: not settle until I had found mine. And my apartment came, after 3 months of incredible subletting deals (60 square meters for a third of the normal price in the heart of Paris, for instance).

Whenever I think, "Oh, I could have my own version of this", I know I have found an expander. And I don't second guess it.

I wish us all to find the expanders we need, and to have fun in doing so!" - UNBLOCKER Money


Do you have some clarity as to what you even want to call in in 2018 or are you wishy-washy?

It's one thing to consciously choose to be open and free with only a few clues guiding you. It's another to have contradicting intentions and totally grey details floating around. I always tell clients that if you're wishy-washy, you'll end up with nothing or wishy-washy things. In HOW TO MANIFEST, you'll learn how to narrow this down even further. But ask yourself how clear you are? Clues count for clarity. They may not be the whole picture, but they are still a roadmap that you can work with!

Take a moment now to ask yourself what you want to call in, in 2018!


That you'll need for the video workshop

As I so clearly stated in this Demystified IG post, you don't need anything to manifest but yourself. No crystals, moons, superstition. Those are fine enhancements but they can very easily turn into crutches and spiritual bypass. Subconscious self-worth determines what we manifest. So here are some tools you'll need for the digital workshop that you might even have lying around the house! 


In your heart

Lastly, and most importantly, search your heart for the bit of joy and hope that gets very excited at the possibility that anything is possible for you. That you truly are co-creating with The Universe at all times and you - regardless of where or what you come from - are completely capable of crafting your future and connecting with your intent. Nobody is broken and nobody is stuck. My job is the joy of breaking open any limiting molds you had and giving you the roadmap forward. Close your eyes and bring a joyful memory to mind that evokes the magic of this season. This special portal where anything is possible in the year ahead. You are not an exception to this and I'm so honored to lead you through this video workshop in order to put one foot in front of the other to connect with your joyful subjects! 

Manifestation with Lacy Phillips



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THE TOOLS • and a completed manifestation list
