UNBLOCKED Remedies • Alexis Smart
Alexis Smart
As we continue to have this UNBLOCKED manifestation community grow and advocate for some seriously deep work through your shadow, childhood, subconscious and worth, it's imperative to me to give you any tool I can think of that will ease the unblocking and delayering of programming standing in the way of you and your most authentic, whole, magnetic self. My whole mission is to #leavenomanifesterbehind.
This is why we've created THE HEALER'S SERIES. Where we share with you all that live so wide and far healers and tools that can help facilitate this unblocking and, if we're just frank here - sometimes emotionally unbearably hard work - quicker for you!
The very first person that came to my mind, and actually inspired the ping of this new series, was Alexis Smart, homeopath and flower remedy magician. I had a session with her a few weeks ago and her incredible capability for reading me like a book...where I picked up trauma, recurring dreams that determined my blockages, and how everything I've experienced in my life affecting my energetic frequency was soul shaking-ly accurate. She proceeded to prescribe a homeopathic treatment along with a custom remedy. The moment I let the homeopathic ball dissolve under my tongue, I instantly felt like I had dropped MDMA. It was as if my heart opened, birds chirped around me, and love and total euphoria poured out of me. Feelings of bliss that I haven't felt in a long time rolled in like little waves of warm possibility. I've gone on to drop four drops four times a day of my remedy and it's tremendously helped me peel back the layers of blocks daily.
Flower essences are a wonderful support to Lacy's work because they work on healing the subconscious. This is where the old wounds reside that can affect our belief systems and form patterns in our life. The remedies require no will power or discipline, other than taking the drops four times daily. This is very important, as they won’t work unless you take them regularly for one month. Flower essences are harmless, natural and have been a medicine chest staple since their creation by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s.
For All Layers and Blocks
This may be the most important remedy for any stage of this work because it heals past emotional wounds. If you have had emotional trauma, shock or grief, it is important to clear this layer first, as it is likely the cause of many issues, even ones that are seemingly unrelated. IN LOVE builds self-love and worthiness as it removes low self-esteem, feelings of abandonment and insecurity left over from childhood. It heals the heart and brings wisdom. Helps you to make your list out of deep trust rather than from the ego.
This remedy heals old emotional trauma. If you have had emotional trauma, shock or grief, it is important to clear this layer first, as it is likely the cause of many issues, even ones that are seemingly unrelated. It's very similar to IN LOVE, in that they both heal old grief and fear of abandonment, with the difference being that those who need WHOLEHEARTED may be stuck in the past and relive painful memories over and over again. It is for those whose grief was epic and which they never recovered from. If you can say you have never been the same since a loss (death or separation from a parent, the end of a romantic relationship), this miraculous formula really can heal your heart and make it whole again.
This manifesting remedy is named for the Hindu deity Ganesh, the remover of obstacles.
For fear of failure, lack of confidence, discouragement, indecision, hesitation and negative outlook.
GANESH builds confidence, strengthens intuition (hear the pings) and helps you to embrace the Magic Dark when things don’t go according to plan. Stimulates creativity and clarity, removes past programming and protects you from outside influences that may take you off your path.
“How can I manifest what I want when I don’t know what I want?” If you ask this question, SOUL PURPOSE will give you clarity of intention and connect you to your higher purpose. Once you know what you want, the universe aligns to bring it to you. Think of this as your compass, your roadmap. If you are drawn to both GANESH and SOUL PURPOSE, I suggest starting with SOUL PURPOSE to really clarify what you want, then move onto GANESH to help you get it.
This may be the most important remedy for any stage of this work because it heals past emotional wounds. If you have had emotional trauma, shock or grief, it is important to clear this layer first, as it is likely the cause of many issues, even ones that are seemingly unrelated. Builds self esteem, heals fear of abandonment, guilt and shame. If you cling or withdraw when faced with conflict, IN LOVE will help you communicate fearlessly, with love and trust. Encourages love without self-sacrifice. For healthy boundaries, self determination, will and trust. Strengthens your identity by connecting you to your authentic self. If you feel insecure about stepping out on your own, or have gone the other way, becoming overly independent and not allowing help from others, this emotional adaptogen will help you find balance.
Connects to your soul’s highest purpose and your authentic self. This is not for finding a job, but aligning you with a career that is the full expression of who you are. Heightens intuition and strengthens the voice of your inner knowing, which is always right.
The lack of emotional nourishment in childhood can lead to a feeling of inner emptiness, as Lacy describes. Currently, pioneers in the field of addiction have linked addiction to loneliness and the feeling that something is lacking within us.
This formula helps curb the need for outside soothing (smoking, eating when you’re not hungry etc.) by bringing feelings of inner fulfillment. Quiets the mind of obsessive thinking, helps balance control issues (too much or not enough) and break repetitive patterns in thoughts and behavior.
This formula was designed for pre-teen through 20’s and seems a perfect fit for this stage of reparenting, as it is filled with flower essences for self-love, self-worth, confidence, beauty and strengthening the identity. If you have feelings of shame, inferiority, shyness, self-consciousness or you compare your self to others, BEAUTY FORMULA NO. 7 will allow you to shine with true beauty and authenticity, secure in your own individuality.
For a judgmental or critical attitude, impossibly high standards, irritability, jealousy, resentment and feeling the victim …For those of us working actively on our own healing, negative feelings like these can cause great inner shame. In an attempt to negate the feelings, we may suppress them further, leading to inner tension and a dissatisfied, bitter feeling. We become easily triggered and activated by other’s behaviors. ABOVE IT ALL brings patience, tolerance and forgiveness for people and situations in your life that may feel intolerable. It helps you to see the good in all things, lessens tension and reactivity and brings about a state of graceful happiness. As you feel more peaceful, you will find you are integrating the lessons the shadow has to teach you.
Manifest a wise and open heart. IN LOVE is for those who need validation from others. You may have a fear of truly being seen or of drawing boundaries, lest these behaviors lead to rejection. This remedy heals old wounds of emotional trauma and abandonment and cultivates a feeling of wholeness within yourself. From this place of true self-love and inner fulfillment, you will not crave unhealthy sexual or romantic relationships to validate you. Helps you to break repetitive patterns and form new thoughts and behavior around love. You may find you have cultivated in your self all the wonderful aspects you seek in a partner.
For addictive/ obsessive thoughts or behaviors. If you fear to reveal your shadow and try to hide it behind a mask of cheerfulness or you self-medicate to avoid feelings, I QUIT will help.
Often the need for external fulfillment comes from a feeling of deep emptiness or loneliness. I QUIT quiets the mind and gives you a feeling of inner satisfaction and peace as it retrains unhealthy patterns.
If you want to shift careers, you’re in a job that doesn’t feed your soul, or you feel stuck, it will be harder to make money. SOUL PURPOSE is the remedy that aligns you with the authentic path of your soul. Enables you to recognize clues when they come, helps you access portals and attract expanders. When you live according to the dictates of your soul and your highest aspirations, the red carpet rolls out before you while you are doing the work you were meant to do. Win win!
If you live in fear of poverty, have negative expectations of what is possible and experience only scarcity, PEACEFUL WORRIER will help you cultivate a positive outlook by removing the survival stress and worry that blocks money coming in. Calms anxiety and self-sabotage, quiets the mind and helps you to envision the best.
If you are undervalued, feel lack of worth or shame, this remedy will cultivate confidence and worthiness in you. For those of you who have trained yourselves to be small and have become habituated to it, WALLFLOWER allows you to shine with brilliance, overcoming fear, shyness, and lack of confidence/low self-esteem.
This formula seems to be tailor-made for Lacy’s work. It is THE manifesting remedy. Named for the Hindu Elephant deity who removes obstacles, GANESH removes all of the various forms of self-sabotage that may prevent our success. If you grew up with disappointments around money, never getting what you wanted, you may have learned to never expect things. It’s a survival tool that was helpful back then but now you need to change that negative programming. GANESH is for fear of failure, getting easily discouraged, indecision, lack of confidence, lack of focus and a feeling that you are stuck. As GANESH removes all your blocks, you will begin to see life as a great adventure and take on things you thought were impossible.
If you grew up with an irresponsible parent who never had enough money (maybe they started a family young or had emotional issues/addiction), you may have overcompensated by being the most responsible little kid. Living in a household with the energy of survival mode and chaos, you could have formed the belief that unless you become strong and independent, you could lose everything. These feelings can affect your flow of money. If you feel that life is work, life is struggle and it’s all on your shoulders, you are not going to have a fun energetic feeling about money. Once you remove the feelings of burden and overwhelm you associate with making money, you will open to the more creative aspects of manifesting the life you want. UNBURDEN is a stress reliever for those who are tired of the struggle of survival. It will connect you with the child in you who had dreams, no responsibility and who believed they would be taken care of.
Trauma puzzle pieces // Old brain
Heals grief, shock and emotional trauma (from any point in your life). As these wounds heal, you will find you are less attracted to the kind of love that causes pain (but feels so familiar). IN LOVE builds self-worth, healthy boundaries and comforts the fear of abandonment, which will ensure you don’t settle. From this place of true self-love and inner fulfillment, you will not make romantic choices from a place of need. This enables you to cut energy that is taking up space in your heart, making you unavailable. In the same way, nutritionists advise not to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry (because you’ll buy junk food), you don’t want to look for a partner when you feel empty inside. IN LOVE builds an open and wise heart by breaking repetitive patterns (the old brain) around love and cultivates in you all of the wonderful aspects you seek in a partner.
This remedy heals old emotional trauma. It is very similar to IN LOVE, in that they both heal old grief and fear of abandonment, with the difference being that those who need WHOLEHEARTED may be stuck in the past and relive painful memories over and over again. It is for those whose grief was epic and which they never recovered from. If you can say you have never been the same since a loss (death or separation from a parent, the end of a romantic relationship), this miraculous formula really can heal your heart and make it whole again.
Open Up
You’re ready to be seen! If you've done the deep healing work here with Lacy but you are having some fear of dating, this formula is a lovely support at this stage. For body shame, feeling unattractive or insecure when faced with the idea of “getting out there.” This formula imparts a radiant and magnetic beauty. It has been called “floral botox,” because of the way it relaxes facial tension. It helps clear the skin, brightens undereye circles and creates a goddess glow that comes from within. You will soon notice that you love your body, appreciate the uniqueness of you and feel secure like you already have everything you need.
This may be the most important remedy for any stage of this work because it heals past emotional wounds. If you have had emotional trauma, shock or grief, it is important to clear this layer first, as it is likely the cause of many issues, even seemingly unrelated. IN LOVE builds self-worth, healthy boundaries and comforts the fear of abandonment. A desire to please or inability to stand up for yourself can lead you to adapt to things that don’t feel good. Guilt may be another cause of accepting things you don’t want. The essences in this formula strengthen the will, unburden you of the guilt that can cause delusions about your self and your worth and cultivate in you the self-determination to accept nothing less than the best and most healthy things in your life.
If you have an inability to stand up for your self and it has become so chronic that you have become physically tired, apathetic or hopeless, I WILL is the spark to reignite your will. This remedy is deeply fortifying, physically and spiritually, to give you the strength you need to say “no,” and to get out of any situations that are not serving you. If you are torn between I WILL and IN LOVE (which both contain Centaury, the essence to help you stand up for your self), I suggest starting with I Will, take it for one month, then move on to IN LOVE.
Sometimes our inability to say “no” is not from low self esteem, but by being the kind of person who is easily led astray or doesn’t listen to their intuition. With a watery or changeable disposition, it is easy to be influenced by a stronger force or personality. GANESH helps you really feel what is right for you, trust your intuition and act on it in a very direct way. GANESH protects you from the interference of another’s will and from any outer influences that are not yours. You can stop doubting your self and be confident in your choices.
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Manifestation with Lacy Phillips