Manifestation Blog
UNBLOCKED Remedies • Alexis Smart
THE HEALER’S SERIES, Alexis Smart, homeopathic and flower remedy magician shares which flower remedies will speed up your delayering process through each UNBLOCKED workshop.
And Then I Got High: A Higher-Vibe Way To Take The Edge Off During Growing Pains
Ever wonder what natural concoctions achieve the same chill state as a Xanax and wine? Here's your higher-vibe, groovy swaps.
Introducing this months theme and the energetics behind it: trust & worth in your authentic self.
A new series that honors the most important days of all. Tools, practices, and permission.
Yarrow Mouth Rinse • Less Waste
The easiest Less Waste wound healing and bacteria killing mouth rinse. Again, because I'm feeling guilty about my plastic mouthwash bottles ending up in landfills and the ocean when "recycled".
Honoring the Equinox
This week, I am grounding in autumn and the threshold of fall equinox. Here are traditional ways you can honor this natural and sacred cycle.
Spring Lilac Gathering for Cold Infusion Body Oil • Britanie Faith
Foraging lilacs and crafting a beautiful spring oil.
The Beach is the Best Spa
Reframing the way you see the beach and turning it into your own personal spa.