How I Manifested My Engagement Ring, Wedding Dress, & Dream Job! • #MyMagneticStory
Welcome to #MyMagneticStory, where we share testimonials from TBM Unblockers and show step-by-step how they achieved their record-breaking manifestation(s), so you can too.
This week, we discuss how this Manifestor called in her dream job, wedding dress, engagement ring, and photographer. (Wow!) Through a lot of hard work and daily reprogramming, this manifestor reversed her triggers and has manifested a new version of her reality. It wasn’t easy - but here’s how she did it...
Her Story
“I’ve been waiting to write my testimonial for my biggest manifestation to come through. I have done every single workshop. Listened to every supported class. Bought the pathway to dip into the DRE and DIs regularly. This shit works but you have to do the work and I am walking proof that as soon as you start to unblock and find your root, it all starts to come through. I can now pinpoint when I make decisions from low self with, ego or lack mentality. I take a trigger and follow it.
In the last year and a half I have had so many micro manifestations not worth mentioning. In the last 4 months the big ones came through like my exact engagement ring and the location of where it happened.
The price of the photographer to my exact wedding dress for the right price. But the biggest one came through last night!
I got my dream job that I had been manifesting for a year. It has every item on my list and matches my Authentic Code perfectly. And it came in tests. I cut communication off with an ex and immediately (two days later) the job was presented to me. I asked for more money, they countered with less than I wanted and I said NO. I walked away. They came back and I have what I need to feel secure which is one of my Authentic Codes.
All this to say is that I had my Magic Dark, I had my tests, I went into the fire a few times. I had a rut and now I’m Up Leveling. I tell everyone I know about this work because it is life-changing. Thank you, Lacy and team! Every IG post, every blog post, all the podcasts, courses, etc do not go unnoticed. I’ve had more expansions and deep work on my own with your courses than the years of therapy. People actually call me their expander now?! Crazy. Thanks again!”
i. Unblock.
Do the work! This manifestor has been incredibly committed to her growth and worked through all of the workshops within the Pathway. Patience and repetition are key to successfully reprogramming. This manifestor focused on triggers as they arose, which is an incredibly effective method! Doing the work in real time gives you clear clues on your shadow and blocks.
ii. Notice What is Coming Through.
While this Manifestor was unblocking, she noticed multiple smaller manifestations coming through. Don’t take these for granted! This let her know that she was on the right track even before her major manifestations came through.
iii. Build your Trust Muscle.
Even with a dream job on the line, this manifestor did not accept a lower income than what she knew she was worth. She held her ground and waited for the right offer to arrive. This step is imperative, as it shows the Universe that you trust a better option will come through and that you’ll accept nothing less.
iv. Say NO.
Reprogramming, recognizing triggers, and doing the subconscious work are all necessary to manifest; but you must also take action and set boundaries where necessary. These actions tell the Universe what you’re willing to accept. This manifestor ceased communication with an ex, which increased her magnetism and allowed her manifestations to come through.
This Manifestor’s dedication to the work is so impressive and WOW did it pay off. Doing the work is so much more than reprogramming the subconscious mind. Showing up for yourself, day after day, even before a manifestation comes through - that is where the true magic lies. Giving yourself space to heal, letting go and allowing the Universe to come through, and simply trusting the process creates major magnetism!
If you’re ready to start your own journey (or if you’ve long been down the rabbit hole), I encourage you to dive into the Pathway, whole heartedly. Really allow yourself to turn over every stone, to explore your depths and understand your shadow. The process of manifestation is truly a journey of becoming a more authentic version of you. Indulge in the process as you find new layers of freedom, everyday.
Want to tap into your Authentic Code?
Join the Uplevel Workshop to find clarity, step into your worth, and move to the next level.