Expanded x Ep. 86: EXPLAINED Superstition


Superstitions were just witnessed occurrences by our ancestors without explanation, and instilled to keep us safe; however, our reality is anything our conscious mind believes it is through imprintation, expansion, and worth.

Just in time for Friday the 13th, today’s EXPLAINED episode is all about superstition. Lacy & Jessica break down the origins and nature of superstition and how it impacts manifestation. Lacy offers tips to recognize when it comes into play and how it interacts with programming. Lacy also shares her own experience around superstitions and how we can unblock from their limitations in order to manifest the life we desire.

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In This Episode We Talk About:  

  • Lacy’s IVF updates and how she overcame her own superstitious fear in her decision to share her journey

  • Lacy’s definition of superstition

  • Why we don’t have to worry about societal superstition

  • The difference between patterning and superstition

  • Superstition as a form of programming

  • Looping on a blocked pattern

  • The danger of working with future projectors

  • Focusing on the energetics of the now

  • Spiritual materialism and how it relates to manifestation as an enhancement as opposed to necessity

  • Other examples of superstitions gathered from the team

  • Cultural superstitions

  • How to identify whether something is a superstition

  • Superstition around the concept of gratitude and how it relates to manifestation

  • Being rock bottomed by the universe

  • Making sure all three aspects of manifestation are equally developed


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Lacy’s Intro

Bon Charge

In The Episode

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Expanded x Ep. 87: Getting Perspective on Coronavirus with Karen Hurd


Expanded x Ep. 85: Comedian Ian Edwards on Being Authentic in a Climate of Sensitivity