Expanded x Ep. 143: Caggie Dunlop on Passing Tests, Jumping Off Cliffs & Manifesting
“Everyone has intuitive gifts. It’s about figuring out your own patterning and trusting it.”
Curious how to move past your fears and shed old habits to create the life you deserve? Today we have a very exciting episode! We've turned the tables and Lacy is interviewed by her friend Caggie Dunlop! Caggie is a UK television personality, singer and host of the podcast Saturn Returns, where this interview originally aired.
This episode is filled with insights on the basis of Neural Manifestation work, including clear examples of passing tests in relationships and working through shadow and shame. They also discuss Lacy’s personal journey, from moving to LA and struggling through unfulfilling jobs, to finally jumping off a cliff and starting TBM. It’s a wonderful behind-the-scenes look at the energetics behind partnership, career and becoming your authentic self!
In This Episode We Talk About:
Jessica’s story of manifesting abundance & her dream chair
Lacy’s personal story of how she started manifesting
Claircognizance and how to find your own intuitive gifts
Caggie’s relationship status and where she stands today
The importance of finding self-worth before finding a partner
Clear definitions of TBM vocabulary: pings, magic darks, tests
Why tests show up while you’re manifesting what you truly want
Breakups, jumping off cliffs, getting out of your comfort zone
Trauma bonding and the danger of love at first sight
Difference between a magic dark and a rut
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In The Episode:
Jessica’s Abundance Manifestation Tools
Seed Probiotics - 15% off with your first month with code TBM15
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