I Booked a Full Week of Freelance Work

Lacy! I'm in awe of my own magnetism right now!! Just after my past session with you I booked a full week of freelance work with great day rates. These were the same type of gigs and rates that I had wrote in my List. I also started work with a new client who is a VIP in my industry. And I also felt more confidence in negotiating terms with another client for a big upcoming job and it worked out! After our first session, I had read some of your client testimonies like "Bam! I got my dream car!" or "Wow I got the best apartment!" And I would feel a bit anxious and think, when would I experience that? 

Now, after my second session (and doing The Work and passing Tests), I have and its incredible. This feeling of breaking through an old layer. I feel inspired and I know there is even more growth to come. The Deep Imaginings and daily journaling have been very helpful. And I have to say, this last session that we had was very powerful. The combination of the reprogramming with your direct yet kind feedback helped to strengthen my authentic and magnetic self. You are magic, Lacy! I am grateful to have you as an inspiration and a guide on my journey. Thank you so very much.

-Makeup Artist, Paris


I Asked For More Money and Detail on My Workload


A Perfect Opportunity That Compliments My Own Business