A Cross Continental Move & A Support System In Paris

Name: Sasha Nelsons

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No 

What was on your manifestation list?: The first thing I manifested was an apartment! I wrote a list for the end of quarantine (which I dubbed as end of May), which included: 

  • the perfect partner at the perfect time (still patiently waiting on this one but have been getting thrown a bunch of trigger tests)

  •  my magnetic Paris apartment in my budget (among other listed desires of which 99% were covered)

  •  a French entrepreneur government stipend (which I wasn't sure I would get for several reasons, but received 2 of them alongside the US stimulus check)

  •  larger income streams (I was open to what that looked like and got 2 corporate accounts - 1 of which is huge for me and pays the EXACT amount I wrote down that I wanted to manifest in a month), sessions with a coach and hypnotherapist within my budget (scheduled both at a rate that worked for me!)

  •  meeting a friendly new neighbor whenever I arrived at my new apartment (of which I met several after a stressful but very hilarious water incident)

  •  a visit to nature (found a sweet park down by the river by my apartment which just opened back up, and got out to nearby woods 2 days in a row), a bike (my friend is letting me borrow hers for a week - it's not my own but it's something!)

  •  a free gift from a contest or brand (just for fun, to exercise my manifestation muscle, which came through as a free gift via Instagram right after the apartment)

  •  a few other health and career goals (patiently waiting on these but I feel are definitely en route). 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblocked Love, Unblocked Money, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, Uplevel - Rut, Uplevel - Next Level, Unblocked No, Reinforcing DIs every night for several weeks now. 

What expanders did you find?: Apartment expanders were friends in Paris who had relatively easeful experiences getting apartments through friends of friends or agencies, or who had a great apartment in my budget. They showed up everywhere - friends who I already knew, colleagues (after asking them about it), students (after making it known to them that I was looking for an apartment), Instagram and Facebook via accounts I follow and advertisements, agencies online here even if I applied and didn't get it, friends who didn't have to go through a ton of paperwork (especially expats). 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: So many tests. I found available apartments in my price range but smaller than I wanted, or out of my budget but had everything I wanted. There were also ones that checked off everything but were farther away than I wanted or that were only available for 2+ months (which was not what I was looking for). Some friends also had extra rooms available that checked off 99% my list except for the fact that I was looking to live alone. I honestly wasn't even sure if the apartment I chose was even the "right" one, or if it was a big fat shiny carrot test. After much deliberation, I decided that this would be the right one for right now, especially since it was through an agency I trusted, and I knew they would be helpful if there were any issues. 

I was tested with a few annoying but fixable plumbing mishaps when I arrived (silver lining: apartment was cleaned really well and met helpful neighbors), but day by day has made it feel more like home. So upon deciding this wasn't a test, I've been settling in and making it work, and when I walked through the door, one of the first pings I got was that I actually settled on my list in general! Even though I got 99% of my list (and wound up making it basically 100% with my own adjustment), I realized that I sell myself short with what I think I can get, and made my manifestation list based on that. This was big for me, and so now I know not to hold back anymore; not to "make things work" but to really ask for EXACTLY what I want - no matter how grand (similar to Ramit Sethi's question of what we would do if our budget quadrupled) - and keep doing the work to expand into that deservingness. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes! So many of them. I did a slew of workshops back to back on The Pathway beginning around October 2019, and then experienced total crickets (or what seemed as such, anyway). Things went super quiet, and it seemed like nothing was coming through like I was just in this bizarre twilight zone limbo phase where life just floated along without anything really happening, even when I was desperate to find something and running against the clock. Two last-minute bridge apartments wound up showing up for February and March, and then COVID hit. 

At that time, mid-March, a friend who has a sweet dog and a grassy yard invited me to stay with her for a while to keep each other company, which ended up working out perfectly and was incredibly nourishing. Shortly after getting there, I wrote my quarantine manifestation list because I had no idea what would happen with my living situation after it was over. And that's when everything began to unfold. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I wrote out my "Quarantine Manifestations" list while aiming for the end of May, and one of the top ones was my perfect post-confinement Parisian apartment by 1 May. The next day I received a WhatsApp message, a regular text message to my French mobile, an email, and voicemail. All of them. It was from the agency I used when I first arrived in Paris in February 2019 - the owner is a high school friend's cousin and has taken a few of my yoga classes here, and has been very helpful in general after my cross-continental move. 

She knew I had been looking for a new place - something I had been trying to manifest since September 2019 - and so she contacted me from time to time when a space opened up. I had even passed a test in turning down one of them back in winter that didn't make the cut. When they reached out initially during quarantine, they offered me my old apartment back - it was tempting, but I wasn't willing to settle. I said no and told them my budget; they countered with another beautiful place, which was the majority of my list (the one caveat was a pullout couch bed, which is standard for many Parisian apartments) but not in my ideal price range. They came back to me the next day saying that they negotiated my budget with the owner until 31 December and that I had priority as a returning client, even though there was someone else on deck ready to pay the full amount. 

They also let me wait out April and set up rent for 1 May. They were extremely patient with me, addressed all of my concerns with COVID/the economy/my place here as an expat and non-salaried employee, and have continued to be supportive virtually after I arrived (i.e., there was a vacuum missing from inventory, and they sent one ASAP). I rearranged the furniture to leave the couch bed open, so it wound up checking basically everything on my list, and now I know that I settled on my list in general - noted for next time to go bigger and keep expanding into my worth! 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @sashayogawellness


Shadow / Money / Inner Child / Love / No


Small Reminders That The Universe Is Always Working


Surprises of Abundance Can Come