Surprises of Abundance Can Come

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: A specific necklace from an independent luxury brand. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Everything, but I had just finished Rock Bottom when it came through. 

What expanders did you find?: To be honest, I wasn't actively looking for expanders for this one. However, I remember Lacy telling a story on a podcast episode about getting free things from brands she loves... that might have seeped into my subconsciousness. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I was going through a rock bottom/magic dark career and money wise, especially. There was a lot being thrown at me. I was doing the reinforcement DI of Rock Bottom twice a day for two months, and I think; as a result, I was handling all of the new negativity coming at me with a lot of grace. I think that was the test that I passed and also not being desperate/grabby with the brand... 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, crickets after a series of bad events. No flow. No signs of things coming. All I had was the work. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I've been doing the program for two years. I've had big and small manifestations come through - more important than the one I am sharing - but this one was SO specific. It felt like a little nod from the universe that said, "when I said you could have anything you want, I meant it"... Very early days into the process, I had on my list a particular necklace from an independent luxury brand jewelry company that I had coveted for years. It was an $1100 piece and out of my price range in every way. It was also one of their classic pieces, and so it never went on sale. I had forgotten it was on my list and I really didn't see any way of me ever owning it - I just genuinely loved it... well, I was just gifted the necklace from the brand. 

I had bought a pair of earrings on sale from the brand, and they broke. So I told them, and they graciously fixed them, sending me the restored earring. But then, they broke again. The problem was this was the second pair of earrings from this brand where this had happened (I own four pieces, two pieces broke). I wrote them a letter, from my heart, saying that I've loved their brand from the start and they advertised pieces as heirlooms, and so I chose to invest in them. Yes, I always had to wait for sales, but to me, the sale price was still an investment, and I believed they would be pieces I had forever... I said - gracefully and graciously - that I absolutely adored their brand (very true) but I would never buy from them again (also very true). 

The email wasn't angry or coercive. That was key - I really wasn't trying to get anything from them. In my heart, I knew I had to "break up with this brand" because they weren't living up to what they promised to their customer (high quality, heirloom pieces). They wrote me back and said they wanted to send me a gift to thank me for my feedback and patronage so that I might trust them again. I wasn't expecting this offer. If anything, sometimes brands give a 10% discount code for your next purchase type thing... and then it came in the mail. This necklace - the exact one - I had longingly stared at for years. The $1100 one. For free. 

I hadn't asked the company for the necklace; I had just asked the universe for it years earlier and forgotten about it. When I put the necklace on, after receiving it, it *felt* like I should own it. My boyfriend said, "it looks like you've owned that forever." It's very beautiful and very me... I guess the universe thought so too :) To me, this isn't about the material object (although I love it), but just that surprises of abundance can come - will come.

 I could have never predicted this or planned it to happen like this (and I love that part the most.) An additional note: the work isn't ever done... I've already found myself thinking (rather superstitiously) that it might get taken away, or break or I'll lose it and that I don't really deserve it, etc... so I'll head into some DREs about those feelings tonight!


Rockbottom / Pathway


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