Reframing My Mindset & Finishing Two Lucrative Business Deals

Name: Rosemary King 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: I wanted to manifest a handful of freelance clients in the tech/product space. I was able to manifest an agreement with my current job that I would look for a contract(s), and when I found one that I wanted, I would be able to go part-time with them. I started scoping for clients. I got a ping that I should go to a networking event with a friend. When I was there, I ran into an old connection and told her I was looking for contracts. She said, "we need you," and immediately connected me with her boss, the Chief Product Officer. I spoke to him the next day, and he rushed me forward to get the next round of interviews scheduled. 

The company was everything on my list, in terms of mission, what they wanted from me, even geographic location. It was my first experience with contract clients and interviews, and I wasn't sure when I should mention my rate, and no one asked, so I left it alone. I got through the interviews but had a weird smell from the process. Something was telling me that something was off. I got word that I got the position and that I should work out the contract with HR, which was more of a smell. I told HR my day rate, and they came back with an offer that was 50% less. I became sick to my stomach and started sweating. 

The corona pandemic was starting to affect my current company, which relied mainly on conferences and in-person training. I really needed to get a job to get off their payroll, and part of me wanted to take the lower rate, but I knew it was not the right place for me. If I took the contract, I would block others from coming in. So I wrote a letter to the CPO directly letting him know I was passing, and that if he needs further assistance, he could reach out at any time. I am a 4/6 in Human Design, so it's really important. I go through my networks to find opportunities. I had to work through some shadow, and then I blanketed my network with communications about my availability as a consultant. 

I also wrote a public blog about why I was leaving my very prestigious and public role at my current company. Being seen felt really important at that moment. I also worked hard on building magnetism by making time for creative writing, meditation, and LOTS of yoga. Lack messages about there being "no jobs," I shut down communication with a few folks and got really guarded about how I took in the news. Right after I passed on the low-ball offer, I got an opportunity to teach a workshop as a replacement for someone who could not fly due to border closings. I mended my ways and immediately made my day rate clear. 

He not only matched it but doubled it. As a one-off, it wouldn't sustain me forever, but it was an amazing sign that I did the right thing in turning down the offer. I also really focused my thinking around the things that I could control and kept focusing on all of the things I wanted to produce if I didn't have a job for a while: workshops, blogs, new offerings, creative projects. I got so excited about not working for a while and also got really settled into the idea that I had my Fuck-You fund at the ready for three months of expenses if I needed to ride it out. Everything became an opportunity for growth. Corona was starting to close in, and soon it became apparent that my current company was going to fold completely. Someone in my network sent an introduction to a listserv of start-up founders, and three potential clients came through. 

Two weeks later, I just closed my first client, an amazing, mission-driven start-up in the political space, they are EVERYTHING on my list, and they met my full-rate. I have final conversations with the 2nd client this Friday, and he already floated a contract worth £25k. Another really lucrative opportunity came out of the workshop that I stepped in to teach. Don't listen to the lack mentality, it is possible to manifest during this period. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been doing the work for 1.5 years and have cycled through pretty much all of them, in the general order. I also manifested an amazing psychologist, one of the best in the city, who I worked with weekly for ten months, and my company paid for it. I worked on Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow, a lot while in therapy. I did Unblocked No, which was amazing for learning how to control my environment and not leak energy. Unblocked Money inspired me to establish my own LLC in England, which opened the portal. I'm working on opening a lot more portals by creating my own package offerings and workshops. 

What expanders did you find?: I created a community of freelance product people that I sought out and asked if they would like to join a private member's network. We are about to launch our website next week. I found a lot of independent workers who all made a very, very comfortable living and had so much freedom in their lives. I knew I was just as capable as them, and it really helped my confidence. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The test of that first company low-balling me and then just the general fear of corona, which almost made me run for the hill and take any gig. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I did experience lulls in communications with potential clients when things went super quiet. In the past, in those periods, I might have freaked out and written to them, dropping my rates, or offering deals. This time I focused on the things I could produce if the work didn't come through. It helped me feel like every No was actually an opportunity. 

How did your manifestation come through?: Via my personal/professional network.


Shadow / Money / Inner Child / No


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