Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone & Into My Dream Career

Name: Maura McMullen 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: No 

What was on your manifestation list?: 

  • Community  

  • Career 

  • Off Grid / Alternative Lifestyle 

What workshops did you use, and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have done every single workshop. Most of them multiple times and daily DRE's for over a year. I found Lacy's work in 2017 and have been absorbing all the blog posts, then the workshops, Supported, and continue to follow Lacy's teachings consistently. Tons of reprogramming around my narcissistic father, realizing the extent of abuse and enmeshment in that relationship. Social programming around body image and being overweight. General lack of worth and self-trust. The fear of stepping away from the social norms and creating the reality I desire to live and play in. I am not broken, I deserve love, I deserve all I desire. 

What expanders did you find?: It started with watching YouTubers who live off-grid and live in alternative ways. Then I used Instagram for plus size women with healthy partnerships. Projectors who live their design like Lacy, Jenna Zoe, and Dara. Erykah Badu, Guru Jagat, and Amanda Chantal Bacon for authenticity and spirit. Family, friends, and acquaintances to fill in gaps and make the expansion even closer to home, sinking in deeply to my ability to create what I desire without necessarily being in the public eye. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: The clearest test was turning down an interview to interview with Lacy. I was in communication with the TBM team regarding the Forest Retreat House. When I realized the position was missing a few key aspects I was looking for; I declined to move on to the next step, despite my deep desire to work with the TBM team. Three months later, I effortlessly found my current job, which I adore more than I could have ever imagined. It is an off-grid community and Hot Springs Retreat Center on sacred land. 

I also jumped off some big cliffs: fly out to Hawai'i to live without being there before, trust my intuition when it told me to leave despite being in love with the island, saying no and creating space between my father and me, ending any financial dependence on my father (or anyone), step out of my comfort zone again and again, and lastly use my voice and take up space. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Oh yes, before my manifestation of career, community, and alternative lifestyle came through. I was living in a city that I did not like, where I could barely connect with anyone, feeling lost, and questioning saying no to the opportunities that I knew were tests. 

How did your manifestation come through?: I actually wasn't that interested in the opportunity when I first saw it. After I had three different people mention this retreat center, I knew there was something there, it was only 2 hours from where I was living. I decided to apply on Friday and submitted the application at 6 pm. I imagined I would hear back the following week. I got an email that same night at 9 pm from my now great friend and co-worker, she recognized that I was a great match and I was up there within days. I held my breath for the first months; as it unfolded everything kept getting better. 

It has been a year now, and I am still in awe. I live in the middle of the National Forest on sacred land with natural Hot Springs. I enjoy my job (I have not enjoyed my work before!), co-workers, and our guests, plus I am growing on the career path I feel deeply connected to. I have had endless opportunities to use all of my skills, including tech skills I never imagined I would be using in this position. I live in a community of 60+ kind, supportive, loving humans and have a gorgeous tiny home that I call my home. My days are filled with nude bathing, dips in the river, women's circle, dancing, witnessing our guests and community members heal and grow in self-realization. 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @maura.magic




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