Small Reminders That The Universe Is Always Working

For those of you who are in that waiting period, here’s a little reminder that with patience and trust, all is possible. Since Sept, I’ve been in the process of calling in some big things, a new career being the main one. While I’ve called in some mini manifestations here and there along the way, I’ll admit that it has definitely felt like a small trickle compared to what others have shared. However, what I discovered early on through this work is that some of my biggest lessons to learn are about letting go of control, trusting in the process, and relinquishing the ideas I need to be the hardest worker in the room, or attack things with a 150% percent to prove that I deserve what I want. So in my heart, I knew that for me, waiting and sitting back (things that I’ve never allowed myself to do) were going to be a big part of this journey. 

So, while it has been hard for me to sit on my hands, so to speak, I leaned into it and trusted it. And guess what? After a lot of work and resisting the urge to just do something for the sake of doing it, things are really starting to pick up. The $200 pants I wanted… I just found them for $50. A day after writing, I want the perfect, clean, easy face highlighter… one of the newsletters I followed had a link to one, and I knew it was THE ONE. The $550 I wanted to pay off the last of my undergrad loan? I just received that as well, along with a few other smaller things. 

So, while I don’t have the Job… yet, I know it is almost here. So for anyone else out there who feels like nothing is coming through, trust the process. Things are arranging themselves in the background for you, and you will receive them exactly when you are meant too. I can’t wait to be able to share my career story in the future! Sending so much love and thanks to this wonderfully warm and open community! Your stories have kept me going through this process, and I know I will continue to lean on them in the future! ❤️


The Meaning Of Worth & Gaining Freedom In My Work


A Cross Continental Move & A Support System In Paris