The Meaning Of Worth & Gaining Freedom In My Work

Manifestation story! *Expansion for shadow work, finally reaping the rewards after thinking nothing would work out EVER, immigrant childhood unblocking, coaching, getting a job without a college degree*

I've posted in here soooo many times for advice/expander help/etc. I truly had felt the manifestation magic SOMETIMES with jobs that I was comfortable in getting, but nothing besides serving (which I fucking hated) and low paying wellness office manager jobs. People kept telling me, "maybe you're not expanded enough." I couldn't find many people who had a similar story of mine.  I was a child of Afghan immigrants with lots of trauma, an unstable home and family, and a lack of talk about money. There were no career-oriented women, lots of alcohol abuse/dysfunction (aunts/uncles), personal Adderall abuse, dropping out of university...the list goes on.

Anyways, I found enough fragment expanders eventually. I would reap some awards with small things that always made my trust muscle stronger and was SO magical, but all I obsessed about was having a fulfilling dream career that would take me out of lack mentality. I took a big financial hit after jumping off the cliff to finally leaving the serving world a year ago to stay in the wellness field, a more aligned but poorly paid field (in my experience). This made my obsession with getting to the next level in my career even stronger. I had gotten my health coaching certification a couple years ago and truly found it rewarding- but there were soooo many blocks in feeling worthy of bringing in that abundance through this channel.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago:

I hadn't fully done Shadow up until this point. I was really resistant and would make excuses-but now I felt ready and so inspired. I finished the workshop in a couple days- and holy shit. I felt like 100 pounds came off me. I was ecstatic. I felt light and bubbly, and on one of the days, I couldn't stop laughing and feeling euphoric. It was amazing. At this point, I truly felt something shift.

Get this- a couple days after Shadow, I get a LinkedIn message from someone about a job offer: health coaching, remote work, twice as much as I was making now. Essentially everything I was calling in on my list. Remote work was the biggest- I love the freedom to be anywhere at any time!

I thought...too good to be true. I asked her if this was a legit job offer, or if she was trying to sell me something. I go to her page...and the last person to comment on her latest post was my ENERGY HEALER, who lives in LA who wasn't even connected with me on LinkedIn. I freaked out and messaged her, telling her that this lady just messaged me about a job opportunity. She responded, saying that was her boss, and she works as a recruiter as her day job, and it's a legit ass offer. We both geeked out!

She helped prep me for what was my first big girl job interview! So kismet. Went through both rounds, they loved me (yay!), I felt so worthy of moving on in my life and not being a supporting role in my career for the first time in my life.

ONE test came through during this. After my final interview, where my interviewer told me I did great, a problem with my certification came up. It wasn't the one they needed. AH. I was freaking out. But then, I kept doing the DREs and truly felt calm in the outcome. I felt worthy still and knew I'd be fine either way. Magic dark of about a week happened, kept reminding myself of my worth, went through it all. Freaked out at times, but all in all, felt good. My friends were freaking out more than I was, LOL.

A couple of days ago, I got the job offer with a deal saying as long as I get the needed certification within a year, they'd move forward with me. WOOO! I FINALLY see it all happening- what worth means, how manifestation is all second to feeling like I truly deserve the shit I want...and making shit happen one by one manifestation list. Thanks for reading; it still hasn't really hit me that this has happened.

Xx, and thank you Lacy.




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