So Much Magnetism While Moving From Coast to Coast

Hi Beautiful Manifestors, Just wanted to share my manifestation and magnetic story with you all in hopes of expanding you ❤️  I had been listening to Lacy's podcast since spring last year, and decided to start doing the work in November, where I got let go from my "dream" job at a high profile tech company. I quickly realized how not in my worth I was. Through the work, I realized my job was miserable, I worked 12-14 hour days under an individual with serious Shadow and inner child issues, and I was getting paid 60K to do 3 executive's who got let go's jobs. I was making the brands 600% more revenue than the brands were making just three months prior under executive leadership, and while getting worked to the bone, was not appreciated for anything I did. 

I hid away from these feelings by surrounding myself with friends, going out, drinking, etc. Starting November, I ran through every single workshop. I started with Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow and worked through everything. Unblocked Love, Unblocked Money, Unblocked No, DREs. Kept unblocking, expanding, and passing tests left and right. I went vegan, started working out every day, stopped drinking, listened to my gut, started saying no, and really digging into the work intensely, every day. I started manifesting little wins, like a $3000K backpack for $123 dollars, when I had a gift card for $132 dollars. $500 Jenni Kayne slippers for $100, brands that are in line with me reaching out to me to collaborate on IG (I blog on the side for fun). 

$600 sunnies for $100. Just all these crazy random things I wanted. I then somehow managed to manifest getting out of a lease in NYC, manifested the new roommate for my old roomies, who also wanted to buy all of my furniture for more than I even paid for it without even trying to negotiate because she loved my style, and moved back home to Orange County in January. This was where all my Shadow stemmed from, so I doubled down. I did DREs sometimes twice a day, worked through triggers, worked through Shadow, and worked through every single pain point I felt. I'm happy to say that after four months, I manifested, after negotiation, a SIX figure job, working REMOTELY in a senior leadership role for a venture capital firm, and I have people from my network wanting me to consult for them on the side and am about to make more than double what I made last year at 25 years young. 

I also manifested my dream apartment in West Hollywood that I'll be moving into next week. I am a non-specific manifestor and a Manifestor in human design, and I knew I wanted something bright, clean, with hardwood floors, but I have a very specific taste. So, I put it out there that I wanted a space with lots of natural light, that was clean, in WeHo (because moving from NYC what I loved the most was being able to walk to go get coffee and groceries and having a strong community around me). But that was ALL I put out into the world. I knew, knew and believed what's mine will never be held from me, and that I would know my place when I see it. 

I not only manifested an apartment that had all of those things, but it was all hardwood floors, mid-century style, fully renovated, with marble and gold hardware and a pool and a view of all of LA from the roof, BUT the person ended up giving me $150 off monthly off of my rent because "he didn't know if it was just good karma or if I'm just a really good person," and accepted my application before I even had my offer letter from my new job that proved that I had income. I just wanna say, this shit WORKS. Stay strong. Say no when you feel like you're worth more, and live your authentic code. The universe has your back ❤️


DREs / Shadow / Money / Inner Child / Love / No


Turning A Fun Internship Into A Fulfilling Career


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