Turning A Fun Internship Into A Fulfilling Career

My FIRST Manifestation Story: I immediately followed a ping back in January to reach out to a contact who works for an interior design firm to see about an internship, so I could learn the ropes more (find Expanders in that area). It's always been a huge passion of mine. I got it, I go there two days a week, and I LOVE it. The women, the work, the energy.. all of it. At the end of 2019, I had added to my manifestation list that I was feeling ready for a steady full-time job, but ONLY doing something that truly lights me up and doesn't feel like corporate. I've been a full time photographer on my own for ten years - but it's wearing on my body, and I'm slightly over the inconsistency of pay and working alone 90% of the time. 

I'm 34 and just feel like I'm in a season of wanting more security and community) ANYWAY :) fast forward to last week, and I was given a soft job offer! (aka: "we really want you to take some time throughout the rest of your internship to think about if this is something you'd like to do full time. We'd love to have you, but we know it's a huge change") I was SO not expecting it, to be honest. AND they want me to photograph the installations (finished projects) in addition to being on the design team. It all just feels so perfect and SCARY. I'm Unblocked Money and Unblocked Inner Child right now, and it's clear as DAY that I feel unworthy of this and tend to run away from "too good to be true." 

I'm a projector, so even just typing this and "hearing" myself share these thoughts with all of you makes me feel more grounded and know that it's the right move and the right time for me to take this leap. This is the first manifestation that's come through for me, so I'm feeling so incredibly grateful - even though I know, I still have some blocks to work through to fully sink into this new opportunity.


Money / Inner Child


Calling In My Dream Home During An Unlikely Time


So Much Magnetism While Moving From Coast to Coast