New Bedding Set, An Expanding Relationship, And My Dream Car!

Name: Kim Lerner

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: Oh gosh, I joined the Pathway in April (I believe) and had a few things on my list. I did end up manifesting all of them, and most importantly, I manifested a deep love and security in self and found my true home in my heart. I had a car on my list, and today I picked up my dream car! Her name is Luna, the freedom rider, and she's a true extension of me. She's more than what I thought I wanted. 

I manifested a parking spot in a garage for her in Williamsburg for $180/month (unthinkable!). I also manifested a new bedding set from a sustainable company that ended up being Parachute, and lastly, I manifested a partner. He ended up being a big test and an even bigger expander to practice being brave, using my voice, and allowing myself to be vulnerable. We dated for six weeks, and after the second date, I knew he was a test, and I also knew I couldn't walk away so soon as this was going to help me grow and expand. Six weeks later, I had to walk away, all while standing in my worth.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I started with How to Manifest and then have done every workshop. The last workshop that I did was unblocked NO, and Unblocked Money - which led me to expand and open up to buy my car! I uncovered a lot of patterns and programming that I inherited from my parents, my aunt, and a little wounded Inner child that was always hiding behind my brother.

What expanders did you find?: I had expanders around me in my orbit of friends and family. My uncle was a big expander for me for my car, though.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I had two big tests for the car, and I passed them. I did not settle for the car that was so close to the list but didn't feel right. While calling in a partner, I received MANY tests in the last six months. I may not have passed the last big one right away simply because I was conscious that I was going to learn and grow quickly while letting myself be in it. I've received another test, a friend that has become an interest, and I just wrote him a letter with my feelings towards him and have walked away since. I know I'm in a magic dark now.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: For my car, I did! I had put a deposit down on a car, but I was second in line, and I don't like being second in line. So I knew it wasn't the car for me but knew that if I put a deposit down, it was helping me expand to not be as nervous about purchasing a car. When the car was sold to the first buyer, I knew ok, this is the magic dark. I'm trusting and can feel my dream car is orbiting. 

Four days later, the car dealer texted me that he had another car, a little more than what I had asked for in my budget, and if I put a deposit down, I'd be the first to take her home and then would allow me a little more time to schedule a test drive. I took an hour to think about, at that time, had negotiated the price down $1000 with the dealer, asked me an insane amount of questions, and then put the deposit down. Three days later I went to test drive her, and I knew she was my car. A week later (today!) I signed the paperwork, and Luna is mine!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: littleone212

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm a born and raised New Yorker and half French. My father was raised Jewish, and my mother Catholic - both not religious.


Pathway / How to Manifest / No / Money


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