Finding Comfort & Freedom In My Relationship

Name: Charlotte McGhee

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: It has changed so dramatically since beginning this work last year & I've manifested things I didn't know I wanted to manifest or that even needed to be changed, like greater peace in my life. I'm a stepmom, and for the first few years, I was not at peace with this new role. Also, I started a surprise travel business in March of 2017 and wanted desperately for that to take off quickly. I used a lot of the spiritual bypass methods to try to get there, and when those didn't work, I felt shame around being unsuccessful in manifesting. Since TBM, I've given myself so much grace around that time because I didn't know to manifest financial success, I had to first unblock all of the programming I picked up around money as a kid. Currently on my list is a short term rental property to generate passive income. My husband & I are on the path to early retirement.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: This work feels like a giant snowball sometimes- when I started, I had an idea of the blocks I wanted to uncover (around money, mainly), but there has been so much that has shown itself in the past year that I had no idea about. I've done all of the workshops apart from Unblocked Love, and I do the DRE's daily. I'll usually go into my room & get set up to do the DI with an idea of which one I'd like to do, but I usually get a ping about whether that's the right one or not. Sometimes I'm even surprised by which one wants to be done! 

The blocks that I've uncovered & that were surprising to me surround my relationship with my dad. For instance, having to stay busy to be successful, accomplishing equaled worthiness, that keeping quiet/shoving feelings down was the polite & right thing to do, and that parents aren't supposed to want to hang out with their young kids. As a stepmom, I was triggered all the time about this in the beginning- the relationship my husband had with his daughter felt so over-the-top & saccharine to me.

What expanders did you find?: There are so many wild parts to this work & I think this is one of the biggest- I really struggled to find expanders when I focused on it, but when it was more of a passing thought, they would come. (This is also true of how I manifest). I work in a very niche industry (surprise travel) & there are only 3-4 other companies that offer this service in the US. I remember I had the thought one day that it would be so expansive to see the revenue that was possible with surprise travel so I could have a reasonable goal to shoot for. (For most other industries, you can find this kind of information easily online). A few days later, the founder of the first surprise travel company in the US reached out to me, letting me know she was selling the company & asked if I was interested in purchasing it. She included her revenue numbers from the last two years in her email! The revenue numbers were mind-blowing and so expansive.

For my current manifestation of a vacation rental property, I found a woman from my city who owns the type of cabin I want & rents it on Airbnb. On her IG, she included purchase price ($75k) + rehab costs ($35k), and she stays booked solid for $200 per night. Depending on how she bought it, she could be cash-flowing $5k per month. So expansive!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Most of my tests have been triggers- the biggest one came this summer. Obviously, as a travel company, I haven't been doing great this year due to Covid. However, I had two clients traveling at the same time in July, and both of them hated the accommodations that I had chosen for them. In the three years I had been operational, this had happened 2x- once when a client was in Colombia & the power went out for a few days where she was staying & she had to be moved & once in Costa Rica when a client twisted her ankle & needed to be moved to a more accessible hotel. 

So- happening twice in 1 week was the first time & really triggered my "accomplishing = worthiness" trigger. The first one I passed with flying colors- the clients were so happy & kind and talked about booking again in the future. The second sent me over the edge because it felt out of nowhere & ate up more of my meager Covid-time budget. After the second, I went back into the DRE to unblock my accomplishing equals worthiness trigger. My magnetic parents helped so much with that.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I might be in one right now? Like a lot of people, I really struggle with them because of my past need to stay busy- it feels like one giant test right now. Will you stay worthy in this time of rest?

How did your manifestation come through?: The rental property hasn't yet, but I know the right one will come soon. Finding peace in being a stepmom is the majority feeling now, but sometimes I revert. It's a process, especially with us all being in the same house all the time. Something that really helped was going to therapy & being given permission by my therapist to step back- my stepdaughter already has a mom; I don't need to be one for her. I thought being a stepmother had to be this intense parenting role, but that hasn't worked in my marriage, so I let it go. It feels incredibly freeing & wonderful.

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @explorewhiskedaway

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I'm from a lower middle-class family in rural Oklahoma, now live in NC


DREs / Pathway


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