Uncovering Opportunities Against All Odds

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I have been dreaming of getting a tenure track position at a very prestigious university in my country. I knew I still had an incomplete resumé; the only thing I needed was to have taught one course at the university level. So, on the top of my list, I had this tenure track position, but somehow I had this limiting belief I couldn't apply until I had taught that course. Teaching at the university level has been something I've been hoping to manifest for a long time.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've been doing The Pathway, and so I went through Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Inner Child, and recently Unblocked Money. While on this manifestation path I discovered that because I was brought up in a conservative family, I was blocked in everything regarding career and money. Since I've always rebelled against my family, I thought it couldn't be possible to have blocks in that matter (because I did focus on my career, and I've had a pretty successful academic career for my age). I ended up realizing I was living with this lack mentality that made me explain myself in the world in a way in which I was always downplaying my work. 

Basically, I kept telling myself and others that you can't really make money when you're in Academia, and that made me feel falsely superior in a way since I was doing really meaningful and intellectual work with passion and not for profit. Like that was better than earning money.

Through the work, I discovered these limiting beliefs came from my family. It wasn't expected of me to take chances or even be self-reliant and independent in my family. So by choosing a career that I knew was never gonna make me rich, I was settling and limiting myself to staying in that comfortable space of having my husband provide for our family (or do most of it anyway) while I worked in something I loved and only earned enough to have some "extra luxuries."

What expanders did you find?: It was hard for me to find expanders; I kept looking for women in Academia in my country who earned good money or achieved a tenure track position in their early thirties. It was HARD. In the last year, a female scholar I really admire took it upon herself to mentor me, and I didn't think much of it until recently. When I realized she was the youngest woman ever in my field to have achieved the highest level of recognition in research. This entails a good amount of extra money for every research-oriented work you do. Also, a young researcher I know got a tenure track position at the university I've been dreaming of working in. That expanded my view of this situation, because if she could get it, so can I!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I've been presented with plenty of tests in this matter but hadn't realized it until I started doing the work. I've taken low paid jobs forever, proofreading ridiculous magazines or dissertations, assisting at some relatives' company, stuff that didn't align with my true self-worth. I always felt that way because I took all of these jobs, and they all made me feel inferior in different ways.

Since I started working on this manifestation process, I was presented with the opportunity to work in the editorial team of one of the most important literary magazines in my country. This meant I would be doing the same work as before, only in a better magazine and with a much better salary. It was definitely something that felt way lower than what I've been trying to manifest. So, for the first time in my life, I rejected the job. After that, a lot of opportunities started coming up. They were things that helped me boost my confidence, like giving lectures and participating in book readings with the most important contemporary authors.

Finally, I decided to apply for the position I've been dreaming about. I still had this limiting belief that I was not good enough since I needed to have taught a university class before applying. I still did it, and yesterday I was presented with another test; it was a trigger. I started googling the professors that work at threat university, and I got this feeling of them all being a lot better than I am at the moment they applied (which made me think, again, I am not enough). I realized this trigger as a test since I had been working on not focusing on what I lacked but on all I could offer.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Not since I've been doing the work. But all transitions in my academic life and work have come, so far, in the shape of a magic dark period. It feels like I hit rock bottom, and then it turns out for the best. That has helped me build my trust muscle with the work I've been doing. I know transitions are not horrible and that I shouldn't throw myself down every time I have to go through a tough application process.

How did your manifestation come through?: After I was last tested and noticed the trigger (and didn't engage, but actually reframed that thought into one that made me feel comfortable with myself and my process), I started going really deep into the work with the Unblocked Money workshop. I got this really precise ping that made me just acknowledge that focusing on what my resumé lacked was just a limiting belief and not something that correlated with reality. After I accepted that and let go of the need to have that experience in my resume in order to feel worthy, I got an email. THAT. SAME. DAY.

I was listening to the Expanded podcast (I'm not even kidding. I know this sounds weird and cultish, but it's true!), and I got an email from a professor offering me to take over her classes at a university. So I will teach this course in a master's degree, which now makes me trust 100% in my ability to face the other application process in alignment with my self-worth. What this means is, the only thing that was lacking in my resumé, I got it the day after I had a test.

I know this wasn't the number one thing on my list; that's still a few months away probably. Just having manifested something I thought was impossible (for various circumstances, but mostly contextual, like teaching during covid and the semesters being restructured and so on), I now believe I can go in to manifest that dream job!

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I grew up in the middle-upper class in Mexico. I've had the best education I could have, not only in Mexico but abroad. I come from a conservative family that really expected me to be a stay at home mom, so even when I rebelled against this since I was a teenager, I still wasn't able to overcome all the programming around money, career, and success and balancing work and motherhood on my own. It's taken years of therapy and work like the one I've been doing in The Pathway to get to where I am now. Which is a lot more in alignment with my true self worth, and it feels so right!


Pathway / Money / Inner Child / Shadow


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