Maintaining Trust During A Challenging Rock Bottom


Name: Dahlas Fletcher

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

A Ski Trip - Which I won within about two months of doing the work. Then Covid Hit, so no traveling.
Double my monthly income - which I achieved during Covid
A King Bed that I am still waiting for !!
House renovation ... it's in the pipeline.
My husband getting a job this year

And in hindsight, I realize I also manifested my daughter --- prior to even falling pregnant with my 3rd child. Long story!!

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I have done all the workshops. 2020 really saw me rely on Uplevel, All the DI's, especially Trigger, Prosperity, and Emotional Clearing. Lacy actually answered one of my questions in Supported - the last question in SUPPORTED VOL.47 "maintaining trust" 59.27 / manifesting during a pandemic and it was so expansive as this was an incredibly hard time for us. I listened to this episode just after doing a DI and was blown away, and it really helped me to sustain trust!

I try to do a DI in the early morning just before I get out of bed and before my kids wake me. Also, often in the car while I am waiting at school pick up (sunglasses on and seat back!)

What expanders did you find?: Many of my expanders came into my life during the pandemic in the form of clients. I am a pregnancy and postpartum exercise specialist, and I train many ladies at their home / 1:1.

I ended up with a new influx of clients as our lockdown lifted here in Brisbane, Australia, and some of them were so expansive. They had their own incredible businesses; husbands (like mine) had lost their jobs than went on to build their dream home.

I also listen to Lacy's podcast every week and find so many expanders in every episode. Then search for like-minded people on social media / other podcasts to sustain this! My parent's in law are also very expansive. I am very blessed to have them in my life.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: Sheesh, so many! My husband lost his job, then covid lockdown hit, and I lost over half of my work as I work in fitness and the gym's closed (I am a small business owner Then I applied for other jobs. Both were major tests and triggers. For the first job, the interview application was long, and then when I got to the final interview, I was so triggered by the Male business owner. He was similar to past bosses from my Advertising/Career, and I knew in my heart it was not right - I couldn't work for him (as much as I needed the job).

I then had a weird altercation with a past neighbor and a parking situation at my child's school, which presented similar male figures ....I realized it was time to do Unblocked Shadow and look at this patterning from childhood related to my father. When I did this, lots of crying, clearing, and clearing happened!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes, big magic dark just at the beginning of this month, October - after we went on a family holiday. My husband and I did not get along, and I ended up getting bitten badly by sandflies, which remained excessively itchy for over two weeks all over my body; it was excruciating. I just lost it - full ugly crying after a big fight with my husband when we go home, then my son got sick with a stomach bug. I was exhausted - rock bottom. After such struggles in 2020, I really thought this is it; our marriage has really suffered this year. How are we ever going to get through this? It was a complete rock bottom.

How did your manifestation come through?: Then in the last two weeks...finally, a break after a long struggle of 2020, my husband and I found each other as support in the midst of the haze, then he got a job which he loves. After that, so many opportunities came through for my work, plus just last week, a new income portal opened up, which will give us an opportunity to renovate our house. Things just started to flow...only because I hit rock bottom and had to surrender, just like what Aysa said in her podcast interview. I just had to loosen my grip. I was holding on so hard, trying so hard, hustling so hard on so many levels and nothing seemed to be working, and I was so exhausted - "dogpaddling" as Lacy says!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @bodyfabulousfitness 

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was born in Sydney, Australia, grew up there with my Mum, Dad, brother, and sister. I am the eldest of the 3. My father is from New Zealand. I ended up traveling overseas, age 21-23, and after a massive leap, left my girlfriends in London and went to Canada on my own (to become a Ski Instructor). 

It was there I met my now-husband (also Australian from Brisbane). I didn't ever think I would move to Brisbane - but after doing a bit of long-distance relationship, I returned to Australia (and after a couple of breakups), I got a job transfer to Brisbane (I used to work in Marketing). I have now been here for 20 years - married to my ski sweat heart and with three beautiful children


Uplevel / Pathway


Manifesting Inner Comfort & My Ideal Work Schedule


Complete Clarity as a Mother, Plus A New Home