Manifesting Inner Comfort & My Ideal Work Schedule

Name: Diana Yates

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: As a single stay at home mom, I wanted to shift to a more energizing casual work schedule (as the current dynamic was impacting my relationship with my daughter and my energy levels), a more loving mothering dynamic with my 7yr old (as I had reached a rut with persistent triggers especially during PMS), a soul partnership, business opportunities, a car, and other miscellaneous items to bring comfort and pleasure into our lives.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: Unblock Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, and Unblocked Money. I've been most grateful for the amount of SHADOW I've found as a stay at home mom and choosing to invest this time with my daughter because I'm passionate about her having a chance to live as close to her authentic self as possible. I'm working on reprogramming and not following the conditioned path of success that I grew up with. This block impacts directly in my search for partnership and money. I'm working through childhood blocks to enhance my relationship with my daughter.

What expanders did you find?: I have friends who all own where they are at in their lives, which is great. I'm adding to the list every day.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I've been tested a lot around relationship; I got a ping to date and found a couple of men who were the whole package (but one thing) and had to say no to them. There was a lot of boundary testing with other relationships in my life, my parents and ex in laws etc. I also did some reprogramming around body symptoms like bloating, where I've had to shift not being in low self-worth about.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I've been manifesting the miscellaneous items on my list pretty quickly, which I have loved about gaining an understanding of the process! I'm definitely in a magic dark in regards to the car and soul partnership.

How did your manifestation come through?: The smaller items and a better work experience have come through pings that I took action on.

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What is your cultural upbringing and background?: My mom is Costa Rican, and dad is Bolivian. I was born in the States but raised in Costa Rica, and now I live in Australia (that was a manifestation before I knew what the process was :)


Money / Inner Child / Shadow


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